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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Other Teams Pursuing That
Cym Jim
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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2015-01-27, 23:22


I've always wondered this. They seem okay but I can't go against the dude.

By the way I'm not talking about the nut who calls himself this name on this forum that's mr. Lebowski.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2015-01-27, 23:30

Fuckin' goldbricker.
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Watch Out Pylon!

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Cym Jim 2015-01-28, 02:07

The film is a series of contrasts. Rich vs poor, anti-war - vs vets, accepting vs. not accepting. Despite the Dude being this uber-accepting nihilist, even he can hate a band with a laid back social vibe one would expect him to like. Plus it's just funny that a black guy in a fez has a serious love for the Eagles.
Cym Jim
Cym Jim

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2015-01-28, 02:12

Cym Jim wrote:The film is a series of contrasts. Rich vs poor, anti-war - vs vets, accepting vs. not accepting. Despite the Dude being this uber-accepting nihilist, even he can hate a band with a laid back social vibe one would expect him to like. Plus it's just funny that a black guy in a fez has a serious love for the Eagles.

God I love the fuckin' Dude man, he is just spot on every time.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2015-01-28, 02:13

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:

God I love the fuckin' Dude man, he is just spot on every time.

If it wasn't so late I'd be watching the film. A YouTube montage will have to do. afro
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by LoneWolfSparty 2015-01-28, 07:08

Because like U2 they suck.

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Rocinante 2015-01-28, 10:47

Hey man, at least he's housebroken.

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2015-01-28, 10:57

Shut the fuck up Donnie.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Larry Kazamias 2015-01-28, 11:19

Don't we all hate the fucking Eagles?
Larry Kazamias
Larry Kazamias

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by The_Dude 2015-01-28, 12:12

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2015-01-28, 13:16

If you don't enjoy/haven't seen Big Lebowski, chances are I fucking hate you.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Rocinante 2015-01-28, 13:50

I hate the fact that the dude has hijacked The Dude. One of the greatest characters ever in movies has been coopted by one of the biggest douchebags in message board history.

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by The_Dude 2015-01-28, 14:09

Rocinante wrote:I hate the fact that the dude has hijacked The Dude. One of the greatest characters ever in movies has been coopted by one of the biggest douchebags in message board history.

Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  4177874726

I know, people who have different opinions than my own are scary douchebags. pale
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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Rocinante 2015-01-28, 14:12

The_Dude wrote:

I know, people who have different opinions than my own are scary douchebags. pale

You are in no way scary... unintentionally comedic, would be a better description.

No, the problem with you is that you are so fucking anti-Dude. It's shitty. In fact, I'm going to ask Heat if that deal is still active where I can change your avatar, because I'm starting a collection to get it done permanently.

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by The_Dude 2015-01-28, 14:21

Rocinante wrote:

You are in no way scary... unintentionally comedic, would be a better description.

No, the problem with you is that you are so fucking anti-Dude. It's shitty. In fact, I'm going to ask Heat if that deal is still active where I can change your avatar, because I'm starting a collection to get it done permanently.

Pet Troll
Pet Troll

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Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?  Empty Re: Why does the real dude hate the fucking eagles?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2015-04-23, 14:41

Rocinante wrote:
The_Dude wrote:

I know, people who have different opinions than my own are scary douchebags. pale

You are in no way scary... unintentionally comedic, would be a better description.

No, the problem with you is that you are so fucking anti-Dude. It's shitty. In fact, I'm going to ask Heat if that deal is still active where I can change your avatar, because I'm starting a collection to get it done permanently.

That only took 3 months.. 24/7 MAC level right there

By the way, is Cym Jim's answer in this thread correct? I was thinking about this again today.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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