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workout routines?

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workout routines?  Empty workout routines?

Post by CORNER BLITZ Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:45 pm

What do you Bros do to stay in shape?

Thoughts on this circuit?

workout routines?  Gif9

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Izzo Court Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:22 pm

I'm not sure what I think unless I can see her lick her own toes and pee on someone's chest.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by The Pantry Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:27 pm

Not sure which is sexier. Her cans or her lips/smile...?
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by CORNER BLITZ Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:23 pm

my bench is weak...I can now snatch more than I can bench

(I couldn't find the other lifting thread I think we had, so snatches seemed appropriate here)

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:32 pm

I'm trying to get back into lifting. It's tough. I don't have a lot of time with kids. I do boring shit. I do 5 sets at max intensity as fast as I can of 2-3 exercises in each muscle group. Typically I do dumbell presses and cable crosses for chest, tricep push downs on the cable and then I use the rope to go over my head. For back I do either seated rows with the cable or kneeling with dumbells and lat pulldowns. Biceps I do some variation of a preacher curl machine/close grip barbell curls/alternate standing dumbell curls/single arm cable curls. Legs I do squats, leg press, quad curls and calf raises. Then 15-30 of cardio. When I don't have time to go to the gym, I like to walk. I can kind of work from my phone when I walk. My knees are shot so I can't run. 

I'm just trying to drop a few lbs, keep my heart in decent shape and not get old. It's kinda fun to lift again but jesus, you really have to stretch like crazy to avoid pulling/tearing muscles at my age. Never had to worry about this before.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by InTenSity Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:36 pm

I have a thousand excuses for not working out. I should just do meth and acid again, but probably not the best social moves at my age.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Ass Dan Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:39 pm

Go to the gym during the tiger game and get on the elliptical for 45 minutes to an hour. Pretty easy way to get my cardio in
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by CORNER BLITZ Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:58 pm

Ass Dan wrote:Go to the gym during the tiger game and get on the elliptical for 45 minutes to an hour. Pretty easy way to get my cardio in

workout routines?  61332400

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Post by steveschneider Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:01 pm

I fap in the morning and make love to the fiance at night. On top of that I try to do 30 minutes of kegel exercises a day.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Brock Middlebrook Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:17 pm

12 oz curls lately, high reps
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by StylesGShmooth Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:37 pm

By no mean am I in good shape, but I have dropped 40 lbs in the last 2 months. Trying to match that total in the next 2 months.

20 minute warm-up on the bike (5-6 miles)
4-6 lifts depending on which body part I'm working
chest-shoulders (bench, incline, shoulder & tricep presses; tricep extensions)
neck-back (lat pulls, neutral rows, overhand rows, shrugs, bicep curls)
leg (leg press, calf raises, leg extension, hammy curls)
10 minute cool down on the bike (1.5-2.5 miles)

On a mission to get back to my playing weight I was at a few years ago.

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Post by Marc Summers Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:06 pm

I do about 15 min warmup on an eliptical at the gym, then go do a couple lifts. Then I run for about 20 minutes on the gym track while stopping to do 20 pushups after every 4-5 laps. After that I do work with a medicine ball and exercise ball. Then I drive home from the gym and run an additional two miles through my neighborhood.

Admittedly I've only lost about 25 pounds in the last 6 months on this routine, but I'd guess that I've also added at least 25 pounds of muscle.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:15 am

I hoop.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:40 am

this time of year, a lot of cycling - road and mountain biking.. some running.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by CORNER BLITZ Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:24 am

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:I hoop.

Let's get a swill 2-on-2 going since we'll never get to 5v5

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Ass Dan Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:33 am

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:I hoop.

Let's get a swill 2-on-2 going since we'll never get to 5v5

I would do this
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:15 pm

Reviving this thread..

Been doing about two track workouts per week (with some core, upper body stuff thrown in), along with 3-4 bike rides.

This time of year, maybe one steady state run of 40 minutes or so each week.

You guys (and Dendro) moving any? I've slowed down over the years but definitely try to stay active.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Floyd Robertson Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:33 pm

After work it's biking 75-100 miles a week and walking/hiking another 30-35, with a healthy dose of situps/pushups and light weights to start the day, so I average about 3 hours a day of activity.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by AvgMSUJoe Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:41 pm

And A 3 mile walk. Or at least that is my plan... Soon.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:03 pm

Floyd Robertson wrote:After work it's biking 75-100 miles a week and walking/hiking another 30-35, with a healthy dose of situps/pushups and light weights to start the day, so I average about 3 hours a day of activity.
that's awesome!
Robert J Sakimano
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:03 pm

AvgMSUJoe wrote:

And A 3 mile walk. Or at least that is my plan... Soon.
as long as you're moving. workout routines?  969504605
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by InTenSity Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:37 pm

I've been walking 4-7 miles a day. I'm down 30 ish lbs since March.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by gomersbro Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:34 am

InTenSity wrote:I've been walking 4-7 miles a day. I'm down 30 ish lbs since March.

That is awesome. I need a mission like that. With the little one back at daycare maybe I can find some time to actually walk like that. I have started walking to work this spring, but that isn't very far and home office 3 days a week doesn't help. Nor do the muffins and doughnuts at work.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:42 am

InTenSity wrote:I've been walking 4-7 miles a day. I'm down 30 ish lbs since March.
workout routines?  969504605
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:43 am

I've had to modify my burpees due to a little snag in my shoulder. It's feeling better but I'm not about to push it.

also, burpees are the Tool of the Devil.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by StylesGShmooth Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:55 pm

So my workout just hit a helluva snag. Had a drink or 12 more than I should have before I got on a Lime scooter 2 nights ago. All of 100 uncoordinated yards later and there's quite a bit of skin missing from the palm of my hand. There's some elbow and knee rash going on too, but I'm not worried about that. Hit the gym today and it was fine, but it was Pull (Neck & Back) day. Tomorrow is Push (Chest & Shoulders) day and I'm very concerned that it might be a real short lift.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:11 am

bumping this thread..

everyone still moving through the winter?

I did a long run on a trail Saturday morning. Was a trail I had never been on, didn't really know what to expect around each corner, which can be part of the fun. However, it had a few more hills than what I'm used to, combined with some soft snow/ice. Legs were burning, heart was pounding at times.

Overall a good run, but I was spent.

Robert J Sakimano
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Floyd Robertson Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:18 am

18 miles on the stationary bike this morning.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:22 am

Floyd Robertson wrote:18 miles on the stationary bike this morning.
very nice.

I just go for time these days, but I was on the wind trainer this morning for 45 minutes. Watching a YouTube video of this trail running podcast I've grown fond of. They had Liz Stephen (Olympic nordic skier) on - pretty interesting. It's a fun podcast and the time flies by.

nice work, dude.
Robert J Sakimano
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Floyd Robertson Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:29 am

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
Floyd Robertson wrote:18 miles on the stationary bike this morning.
very nice.

I just go for time these days, but I was on the wind trainer this morning for 45 minutes. Watching a YouTube video of this trail running podcast I've grown fond of. They had Liz Stephen (Olympic nordic skier) on - pretty interesting. It's a fun podcast and the time flies by.

nice work, dude.

Thanks! I was listening to Couch and the Rube to pass the hour on the bike workout routines?  502811600

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by AvgMSUJoe Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:51 am

I have a tablet with all the streaming services... watching "Justified" during my daily 30 min run(-ish... depending on the knees that day).

Getting old sucks.

So, speaking of, I had meniscus surgery, still had pain probably arthritis... the doc gave me a cortisone shot, the pain went away, but it's coming back. The guy said the shots usually last 3 weeks to 3 months... I'm on like month 4 probably, trying to fight through without getting another... Do I have to just accept the fact of quarterly shots until a knee replacement?
I was hoping hard work would win the day. Not looking good.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:08 am

AvgMSUJoe wrote:I have a tablet with all the streaming services... watching "Justified" during my daily 30 min run(-ish... depending on the knees that day).

Getting old sucks.

So, speaking of, I had meniscus surgery, still had pain probably arthritis... the doc gave me a cortisone shot, the pain went away, but it's coming back. The guy said the shots usually last 3 weeks to 3 months... I'm on like month 4 probably, trying to fight through without getting another... Do I have to just accept the fact of quarterly shots until a knee replacement?
I was hoping hard work would win the day. Not looking good.
ugh- yeah, that would be a tough existence.

Here's to moving to the degree that you can, being able to modify whatever movement you are able to do. workout routines?  969504605
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Floyd Robertson Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:23 am

AvgMSUJoe wrote:I have a tablet with all the streaming services... watching "Justified" during my daily 30 min run(-ish... depending on the knees that day).

Getting old sucks.

So, speaking of, I had meniscus surgery, still had pain probably arthritis... the doc gave me a cortisone shot, the pain went away, but it's coming back. The guy said the shots usually last 3 weeks to 3 months... I'm on like month 4 probably, trying to fight through without getting another... Do I have to just accept the fact of quarterly shots until a knee replacement?
I was hoping hard work would win the day. Not looking good.

Good luck with the knees.

I've developed an issue with PF or something in one foot, which means more biking and less pavement pounding.

Six months ago I didn't have a single issue and was still feeling indestructible, but now it's a foot, an elbow, and my hip joints are going to hell.
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Rick Saunders Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:49 pm

Robert J Sakimano wrote:bumping this thread..

everyone still moving through the winter?

I did a long run on a trail Saturday morning. Was a trail I had never been on, didn't really know what to expect around each corner, which can be part of the fun. However, it had a few more hills than what I'm used to, combined with some soft snow/ice. Legs were burning, heart was pounding at times.

Overall a good run, but I was spent.

Tryna touch the Appalachian trial every weekend someone in the family doesn't have a self created crisis. (walk not run though). Coupla weeks ago went to a spot we'd never been before and I could not believe how many people were running up and down a 1000 ft elevation change in one mile of trail. I'm not going to run that, but I'm not hankerin' to go walk it again either... too busy.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:00 pm

Rick Saunders wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:bumping this thread..

everyone still moving through the winter?

I did a long run on a trail Saturday morning. Was a trail I had never been on, didn't really know what to expect around each corner, which can be part of the fun. However, it had a few more hills than what I'm used to, combined with some soft snow/ice. Legs were burning, heart was pounding at times.

Overall a good run, but I was spent.

Tryna touch the Appalachian trial every weekend someone in the family doesn't have a self created crisis. (walk not run though).  Coupla weeks ago went to a spot we'd never been before and I could not believe how many people were running up and down a 1000 ft elevation change in one mile of trail. I'm not going to run that, but I'm not hankerin' to go walk it again either... too busy.

workout routines?  502811600

yeah, those trail runners are an odd bunch. Wink

I'm jealous, though, that you can hit the AT. It runs right through good 'ol Haywood County, over by Fines Creek.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Rick Saunders Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:19 pm

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
Rick Saunders wrote:

Tryna touch the Appalachian trial every weekend someone in the family doesn't have a self created crisis. (walk not run though).  Coupla weeks ago went to a spot we'd never been before and I could not believe how many people were running up and down a 1000 ft elevation change in one mile of trail. I'm not going to run that, but I'm not hankerin' to go walk it again either... too busy.

workout routines?  502811600

yeah, those trail runners are an odd bunch. Wink

I'm jealous, though, that you can hit the AT. It runs right through good 'ol Haywood County, over by Fines Creek.

I see where that is. Been up around the Balsam Mountain / Ravenfork area back in the day.

This stuff today is prolly in one of the less remote parts of the AT in bootbuster territory. Almost up north but not up north by eastern standards.
Rick Saunders
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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:42 pm

Rick Saunders wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
workout routines?  502811600

yeah, those trail runners are an odd bunch. Wink

I'm jealous, though, that you can hit the AT. It runs right through good 'ol Haywood County, over by Fines Creek.

I see where that is.  Been up around the Balsam Mountain / Ravenfork area back in the day.  

This stuff today is prolly in one of the less remote parts of the AT in bootbuster territory.  Almost up north but not up north by eastern standards.
love the Balsam area and very familiar with it.

Used to ride from Lake Junaluksa, through Waynesville, up Old Balsam Road - it went from West Waynesville by Barbers Orchard. A two lane road. I grew up just off the Hazelwood exit.

Anyway, then, as if we weren't stupid enough, catch US-23 and enter the Blue Ridge Parkway right at the Haywood/Jackson County line. At that point, it was a 7 mile climb up to the top of Waterrock Knob.

Good times.

Edit: double checked,  AllTrails has the Balsam Gap overlook 9 miles from Waterrock Knob, but I believe that particular overlook is on the other side of US-23, so it is closer to 7 miles from the parkway entrance to the peak of Waterrock Knob.  

workout routines?  Screen19

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Robert J Sakimano

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by CaptainSlow33 Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:34 am

I've been trying to get back into a consistent routine. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my gym days. I'll typically warm up on the treadmill for 30 minutes (I try to do a combination of running and incline walking). After that, I head over to the weight area and...try my best? Back when I was fit in college (20 years ago...oof...), I'd go to the gym with my stepbrother, and he knew what we needed to be doing. Now I feel like I'm just kind of flailing. I figure that if I'm doing it right, I'll eventually get swoll. If I'm doing it wrong, I'll at least feel a post work out pain that makes me feel like I did something. After that, I'll go hard on the stair climber until I feel like I'm going to fall off of it, and then I'll cool down on either the exercise bike or an elliptical.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday are for walks around the neighborhood to keep my steps up. Weekends are for hikes, weather permitting. So far seems to be working ok.

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workout routines?  Empty Re: workout routines?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:49 am

CaptainSlow33 wrote:I've been trying to get back into a consistent routine. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my gym days. I'll typically warm up on the treadmill for 30 minutes (I try to do a combination of running and incline walking). After that, I head over to the weight area and...try my best? Back when I was fit in college (20 years ago...oof...), I'd go to the gym with my stepbrother, and he knew what we needed to be doing. Now I feel like I'm just kind of flailing. I figure that if I'm doing it right, I'll eventually get swoll. If I'm doing it wrong, I'll at least feel a post work out pain that makes me feel like I did something. After that, I'll go hard on the stair climber until I feel like I'm going to fall off of it, and then I'll cool down on either the exercise bike or an elliptical.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday are for walks around the neighborhood to keep my steps up. Weekends are for hikes, weather permitting. So far seems to be working ok.
I'm not sure, but most gyms likely have access to some personal training of some sort. They could likely provide you with even a loose guideline for the basic exercise design/prescription.

ya know, if you wanna get swol.

and, c'mon - who doesn't wanna get swol?
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Post by Nordic Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:49 am

Started playing racquetball again. First 3-4 weeks were rough. Today felt better. Got in 5 games with only one break in the middle. Still huffing too hard, but making progress.

Looking forward to racing Bob around Lake Ovid on the bike this summer.

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