Spartan Swill
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COD: Advanced Warfare

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COD: Advanced Warfare Empty COD: Advanced Warfare

Post by MSUgöat 2014-05-02, 10:08

New COD starring Kevin Spacey


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COD: Advanced Warfare Empty Re: COD: Advanced Warfare

Post by InTenSity 2014-05-02, 10:11

I stopped playing COD after MW, or I think it was COD3:MW. When they didn't allow the PC crowd to mod anymore or have dedicated servers, I stopped playing. Hear the game is great and MW was a blast to play, some of the zombie mods were awesome, but I know nothing about anything after 3.

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COD: Advanced Warfare Empty Re: COD: Advanced Warfare

Post by Keith Stone 2014-05-02, 10:21

MSUgoat wrote:New COD starring Kevin Spacey

Wow - a 31 minute video analyzing a video game trailer. Some people truly have no lives.
Keith Stone
Keith Stone

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COD: Advanced Warfare Empty Re: COD: Advanced Warfare

Post by Spartan95 2014-05-02, 11:37

Ghost has changed my opinion on the COD series. I am not a fan at all. I hope AW is better.

It's probably just because I suck so bad though.

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Join date : 2014-05-02

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COD: Advanced Warfare Empty Re: COD: Advanced Warfare

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