Spartan Swill
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Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?

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Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  Empty Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?

Post by Bizarro Fletch 2014-05-06, 09:28

Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  1197000101 
Bizarro Fletch
Bizarro Fletch

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Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  Empty Re: Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-05-07, 08:39

ya know, whenever it's needed..

the better question is "paying for a haircut" - I haven't paid for a haircut in probably 15 years.. trim it up myself, yo.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  Empty Re: Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?

Post by bullwrinkle 2014-05-07, 18:04

Robert J Sakimano wrote:ya know, whenever it's needed..

the better question is "paying for a haircut" - I haven't paid for a haircut in probably 15 years.. trim it up myself, yo.

And it looks good....on you.Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  Giovanni-simeone-haircut_zps4763c26c

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Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  Empty Re: Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?

Post by BtothejizA 2014-05-08, 00:17

I buzz my shit once every week or two like a man. Thank you Justin Timberlake and David Beckham for making it somewhat fashionable.

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Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  Empty Re: Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?

Post by Cameron 2014-05-09, 00:18

Robert J Sakimano wrote:ya know, whenever it's needed..

the better question is "paying for a haircut" - I haven't paid for a haircut in probably 15 years.. trim it up myself, yo.

Cutting your hair - annually or biannually?  Martin_Kernston2

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Age : 36
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