Spartan Swill
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In EL this week, what's up?

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In EL this week, what's up? Empty In EL this week, what's up?

Post by Cym Jim 2015-09-21, 17:47

Anything I should check out? Bands, bars, food, anything else? Got my evenings free and don't have to be up too early.

Cym Jim
Cym Jim

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Join date : 2014-04-17

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In EL this week, what's up? Empty Re: In EL this week, what's up?

Post by Cym Jim 2015-09-24, 00:11

When did all the students buy shitty Chinese scooters?
Cym Jim
Cym Jim

Posts : 1551
Join date : 2014-04-17

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In EL this week, what's up? Empty Re: In EL this week, what's up?

Post by Cym Jim 2015-09-25, 00:26

I see legs are in this year. It always seemed to cycle between tits and legs. This year it's definitely legs.
Cym Jim
Cym Jim

Posts : 1551
Join date : 2014-04-17

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In EL this week, what's up? Empty Re: In EL this week, what's up?

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