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Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now

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Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now Empty Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now

Post by The_Dude 2015-10-18, 10:32

Opens with Brandstatter live on the field after the loss and his radio call. Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 969504605 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 1494614055 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 502811600 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 1966794946 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 1486952199
Pet Troll
Pet Troll

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Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now Empty Re: Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now

Post by NigelUno 2015-10-18, 10:35

The_Dude wrote:Opens with Brandstatter live on the field after the loss and his radio call. Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 969504605 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 1494614055 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 502811600 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 1966794946 Inside Michigan Football on local ABC in metro Detroit right now 1486952199

If you would have used one more of those emoji/smiley things, I would have believed you actually aren't a Michigan fan. Better luck next time.

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