Spartan Swill
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Bill Schuette is an asshole.

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Bill Schuette is an asshole. Empty Bill Schuette is an asshole.

Post by Big Ten Referee 08/05/14, 09:28 am

**** that guy. He is more worthless than the shit I just flushed.
Big Ten Referee
Big Ten Referee

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Join date : 2014-04-24

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Bill Schuette is an asshole. Empty Re: Bill Schuette is an asshole.

Post by Duke Silver 08/05/14, 11:27 am

He really fucked up on the medical marijuana and gay marriage ordeals but he actually is a really nice guy, I'v met him once and have a friend who interned for him.

With that being said he does not have my support for when he surely runs for governor in 2018.
Duke Silver
Duke Silver

Posts : 161
Join date : 2014-04-15

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