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Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-25, 21:49

Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:06

He'll do a horrible job if he does.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-25, 22:07

xsanguine wrote:He'll do a horrible job if he does.

Can't be worse than not being there at all
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:07

It'll set back the Libertarian party, not put them forward. I like him and believe in his ideology... but he does a poor job of explaining what he means and has this boring talking cadence that the sitcom/reality tv watchers can't get intol.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:08

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
xsanguine wrote:He'll do a horrible job if he does.

Can't be worse than not being there at all

Sure it can.

Because he can ensure that a Libertarian won't get enough votes to participate next time based on the lackluster explanation of the last time they let a Libertarian debate.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-25, 22:10

Your party ever going to get someone charismatic enough to get up there X? I feel like they are usually awkward.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:13

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Your party ever going to get someone charismatic enough to get up there X? I feel like they are usually awkward.

Well that's the problem. That's how we choose our "leaders". Based on aesthetics and things of that nature. Eventually they'll have to figure it out and put someone up that can scream "Yes we can!! Feel the Bern!!!" and all that other rah rah bullshit that means nothing but gets people going.

Libertarianism is too practical right now. Sure, they need someone that can excite people... but Americans get excited by the dumbest shit.

I'm sure, like usual, someone will come in and tell me how stupid I am but... things aren't going to get better. Barring something drastic... as an empire we have already peaked.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:16

Also, to clarify... it's not "my" party. I believe they've changed their requirements for joining but at the time I was ready to join you had to declare "You do not believe in using violence for political change"

I don't agree with that.

From what I understand the wording is now "I do not believe in the initiation of force/violence". So maybe I'll join, maybe I'll just let it be because the less government "registry", the better, imo

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-25, 22:16

You need some social skills to be president. You're not going to win a vote by being boring as fuck. I feel like someone who looks at the world in a pretty realistic view would at the very least know that.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:17

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:You need some social skills to be president. You're not going to win a vote by being boring as fuck. I feel like someone who looks at the world in a pretty realistic view would at the very least know that.

Beyond getting people who will never meet you to like you based on how you appear to them on TV.... why?

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:18

I'd prefer a smart person who is socially awkward than the cool guy who just wants to make money off shady deals with Saudi Arabia.

But I'm not a Democrat, so....*shrugs*

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:20

I have to do some driving around and do some thinking OTPT (things have gotten even worse in this piece of shit's life, if you can believe that), but if you're still on I'll respond.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-25, 22:21

xsanguine wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:You need some social skills to be president. You're not going to win a vote by being boring as fuck. I feel like someone who looks at the world in a pretty realistic view would at the very least know that.

Beyond getting people who will never meet you to like you based on how you appear to them on TV.... why?

You need votes X San. That's why? You're also going to be interacting with a shit ton of people on a daily basis. International leaders, government officials, etc, etc. Shit you'll develop social skills if you're not social. You're pretty much the manager of the United fucking States.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-25, 22:23

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
xsanguine wrote:

Beyond getting people who will never meet you to like you based on how you appear to them on TV.... why?

You need votes X San. That's why? You're also going to be interacting with a shit ton of people on a daily basis. International leaders, government officials, etc, etc. Shit you'll develop social skills if you're not social. You're pretty much the manager of the United fucking States.

I get it, dude. It's a game. Maybe I'm thinking about it more like... hey, let's get someone that'll make good decisions. That's now how it works, though. You don't need social skills in government for other leaders... you need it to climb the ladder within the US system.

The rest is easy. How hard is it to get along with some guy that doesn't speak English but runs the kingdom of Prussia (I know, I know)? You have a translator.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-25, 22:25

xsanguine wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:

You need votes X San. That's why? You're also going to be interacting with a shit ton of people on a daily basis. International leaders, government officials, etc, etc. Shit you'll develop social skills if you're not social. You're pretty much the manager of the United fucking States.

I get it, dude. It's a game. Maybe I'm thinking about it more like... hey, let's get someone that'll make good decisions. That's now how it works, though. You don't need social skills in government for other leaders... you need it to climb the ladder within the US system.

The rest is easy. How hard is it to get along with some guy that doesn't speak English but runs the kingdom of Prussia (I know, I know)? You have a translator.

Yeah I think you're being something turtleneck called me once. Youth idealism or some shit?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-26, 02:35

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
xsanguine wrote:

I get it, dude. It's a game. Maybe I'm thinking about it more like... hey, let's get someone that'll make good decisions. That's now how it works, though. You don't need social skills in government for other leaders... you need it to climb the ladder within the US system.

The rest is easy. How hard is it to get along with some guy that doesn't speak English but runs the kingdom of Prussia (I know, I know)? You have a translator.

Yeah I think you're being something turtleneck called me once. Youth idealism or some shit?

For a second I thought you were picking a fight with me and I was like... Jesus, man, wtf did I do now?

Part of me hopes Turtleneck doesn't come in because I'm sure he'll remind me of how stupid I am and why and give me a link to document from 1857 proving why I'm such a fucking idiot. Then remind me again how stupid I am.... but that he enjoys bantering with me (probably because he likes feeling better about bashing someone he feels is an idiot). I'm only half trolling, TN. Sometimes I do think you enjoy putting me down when you think you have your boot on my neck.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-26, 02:36

But, I forgot to write this. Part of me is worried something has happened because as far as I know TN is MIA. And I don't like that prospect.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-26, 02:38

You should check out a guy TN turned me onto... Darryl Perry... you wanna talk about unelectable.... lol

I think part of it is booksmart people aren't usually going to be attractive. Politicians are smarter with regards to manipulation and part of that is looking the part. Different "smarts".

Maybe the Libertarians will turn into pieces of shit (some say they already have) and we can have 3 shitty choices!!! Yay America!

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-26, 03:00

If you're still around, you wanna go chatroom, OTPT... or do you got shit to do?

My foot is in a cast so I'm a fucking cripple..... I ain't going anywhere.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-26, 03:18

I have to wake up in like 6 hours. Sorry bud. Goodnight X.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

Post by xsanguine 2016-07-26, 03:19

No worries, have a good night OTPT. Hope everything is going well for you, bud.

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Gary gonna get on a debate or what? Empty Re: Gary gonna get on a debate or what?

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