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Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll.

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Should Nigel do another poll

Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_lcap13%Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_rcap 13% 
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Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_lcap38%Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_rcap 38% 
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Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_lcap38%Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_rcap 38% 
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Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_lcap13%Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_rcap 13% 
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Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_lcap0%Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll. Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 8

Poll Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll.

Post by DWags 2016-03-08, 23:18


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Poll Re: Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-03-08, 23:24

There is a middle ground between telling you your polls suck and taking the internet seriously.

Like I can say that Nigel should play it cool sometimes but I don't really give a fuck if he does either way. Ya know?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

Posts : 36472
Join date : 2014-04-18

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Poll Re: Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll.

Post by Blanch32 2016-03-09, 09:15

The problem is nigel tilts in one thread, and cannot keep it self contained so he goes and starts another thread about the thread he tilts in. This basically spamming the board and annoying as shit. At least Bob just bumps old threads with his nonsense, wish nigel would learn to do that.

Then again, his deluisoonal ass thinks he speasks for all of us when we actually speaks for none. He's the white knight without a maiden in distress

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Join date : 2014-04-16

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Poll Re: Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll.

Post by NigelUno 2016-03-09, 09:42

Blanch32 wrote:The problem is nigel tilts in one thread, and cannot keep it self contained so he goes and starts another thread about the thread he tilts in.  This basically spamming the board and annoying as shit. At least Bob just bumps old threads with his nonsense, wish nigel would learn to do that.

Then again,  his deluisoonal ass thinks he speasks for all of us when we actually speaks for none.  He's the white knight without a maiden in distress


Posts : 35755
Join date : 2014-04-16

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Poll Re: Poll on whether Nigel should do another poll.

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