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Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others

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Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others Empty Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others

Post by Green Note 2014-05-19, 08:42

The national socialist movement moves against legal enterprises through regulation and harassment.
Green Note
Green Note

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Join date : 2014-04-27

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Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others Empty Re: Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others

Post by FishHead 2014-05-22, 09:20

Thats tough to believe, I mean why would a president go around the system that has been in place since the beginning, surely there would be backlash upon him and those that support him in office Question 

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Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others Empty Re: Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others

Post by AvgMSUJoe 2014-05-22, 09:47

Green Note wrote:

The national socialist movement moves against legal enterprises through regulation and harassment.

Do you know what the term "socialist" means?

I bet the national porn distribution system which will be created by the "socialist" due to this agencies credit scrutiny would be glorious.

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Location : As stupid and vicious as men are, this is a lovely day.

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Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others Empty Re: Obama using FDIC and DoJ to financially squeeze firearms industry and others

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