Spartan Swill
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Color me shocked. DetNews editorial calling to Dump Trump

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Color me shocked.  DetNews editorial calling to Dump Trump Empty Color me shocked. DetNews editorial calling to Dump Trump

Post by GRR Spartan 2016-06-25, 23:21

Appears the editors of Detroit's GOP leaning paper have reached the conclusion the Hillary Clinton can be defeated but not with the winner of the MI GOP Presidential primary at the top of the ticket and the editorial doesn't mince words.   They don't see him as a candidate with coat tails and are accusing him of shirking responsibilty to raise finds for a winning campaign.

Maybe the do over thing being talked about across the pond after the Brexit vote isn't so far fetched .
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Join date : 2014-04-25

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