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I love my Indian coworkers

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty I love my Indian coworkers

Post by TheReal_LWS 2016-08-30, 13:50

Hard working, conscientious and morally upstanding men and women all. However, I have one minor gripe.

Is it cultural thing with them swishing water from the bathroom sink around and spitting it out? Usually goes like this: They wash their hands, when they are done rinsing they slurp water from their palm, swish vigorously, then spit. They do this 5-10 times. The results are disgusting, including food bits in the sink. Just went to the restroom and there were four of them taking up all four sinks doing this.

I haven't noticed this before my current job. I don't remember witnessing this at my previous companies. Anyway, just wondered if anyone had any incite into this.

Last edited by TheReal_LWS on 2016-08-30, 13:53; edited 1 time in total

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty Re: I love my Indian coworkers

Post by Turtleneck 2016-08-30, 13:53


Also, your co-workers hate you.

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty Re: I love my Indian coworkers

Post by tGreenWay 2016-08-30, 13:56

Seems like you spend a lot of time observing the other men in the bathroom.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty Re: I love my Indian coworkers

Post by Turtleneck 2016-08-30, 13:58

tGreenWay wrote:Seems like you spend a lot of time observing the other men in the bathroom.

So camp was a failure?

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty Re: I love my Indian coworkers

Post by tGreenWay 2016-08-30, 14:00

Turtleneck wrote:
tGreenWay wrote:Seems like you spend a lot of time observing the other men in the bathroom.

So camp was a failure?

Based on the number of relapses he had in camp, this isnt a shocker.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty Re: I love my Indian coworkers

Post by Vlad 2016-08-30, 14:26

Sounds like they're practicing good hygiene by washing their mouths after eating, but they really should leave the sink clean afterwards.

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty Re: I love my Indian coworkers

Post by tGreenWay 2016-08-30, 14:36

Vlad wrote:Sounds like they're practicing good hygiene by washing their mouths after eating, but they really should leave the sink clean afterwards.

It's also respectful. SD/LWS doesn't want to wash his feet in a sink sprinkled with bits of foot. Yuck.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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I love my Indian coworkers Empty Re: I love my Indian coworkers

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2016-08-30, 14:38

Turtleneck wrote:tl;dr

Also, your co-workers hate you.

I love my Indian coworkers Tumblr_m43fmnEFfl1rqfhi2o1_400
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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