Spartan Swill
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Please help me make the site better looking.

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Please help me make the site better looking. Empty Please help me make the site better looking.

Post by SeeRockCity 4/15/2014, 11:36 pm


It's pretty obvious that I'm not a designer or UI whiz.  When I set the site up, I tried to stick to the basics but even so, I've managed to make this thing pretty damn fugly.

If you have any design / CSS  / HTML / Javascript experience and want to help out.  I bet you could fix us up in about a 3-hour window.

Please sign in here if you can help!


Last edited by SeeRockCity on 4/16/2014, 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

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Please help me make the site better looking. Empty Re: Please help me make the site better looking.

Post by Heat Miser 4/15/2014, 11:42 pm

I can do those things.
Heat Miser
Heat Miser
Ephor (Operations)
Ephor (Operations)

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Please help me make the site better looking. Empty Re: Please help me make the site better looking.

Post by SeeRockCity 4/15/2014, 11:44 pm

Heat Miser wrote:I can do those things.

PM Sent (if I can figure out how to do that here).
Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

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Location : Atlanta, GA

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Please help me make the site better looking. Empty Re: Please help me make the site better looking.

Post by SeeRockCity 4/16/2014, 8:58 pm

Unstickying this since Heat Miser did such a bang up job. I'm taking down the help wanted poster. Still appreciate any additional input or extra hands.
Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

Posts : 3930
Join date : 2014-04-15
Location : Atlanta, GA

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Please help me make the site better looking. Empty Re: Please help me make the site better looking.

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