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Is Trump manipulating the market?

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Is Trump manipulating the market? Empty Is Trump manipulating the market?

Post by kingstonlake Sat May 12, 2018 12:34 pm

It's obvious he had no moral center. The Iran deal? Might be interesting to follow the money and see where his she'll companies are investing? Oil futures?
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Is Trump manipulating the market? Empty Re: Is Trump manipulating the market?

Post by tGreenWay Sat May 12, 2018 2:01 pm

He definitely manipulated the market to watch Jeff Bezos lose money.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Is Trump manipulating the market? Empty Re: Is Trump manipulating the market?

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2018 11:10 am

kingstonlake wrote:It's obvious he had no moral center. The Iran deal? Might be interesting to follow the money and see where his she'll companies are investing? Oil futures?

Speaking of oil and gas it's funny to see CNN flipping out over $3 gas under Trump....back a few years ago they were peddling how $4 gas would easily be handled by the economy and how a President couldn't really affect gas prices so President Obama was blameless.

But you people are convinced they play it right down the middle.

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Is Trump manipulating the market? Empty Re: Is Trump manipulating the market?

Post by kingstonlake Tue May 15, 2018 11:17 am

LooseGoose wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:It's obvious he had no moral center. The Iran deal? Might be interesting to follow the money and see where his she'll companies are investing? Oil futures?

Speaking of oil and gas it's funny to see CNN flipping out over $3 gas under Trump....back a few years ago they were peddling how $4 gas would easily be handled by the economy and how a President couldn't really affect gas prices so President Obama was blameless.

But you people are convinced they play it right down the middle.

LOL. You almost had us convinced you don't watch the cable news networks.....
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

Posts : 27984
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Age : 60

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Is Trump manipulating the market? Empty Re: Is Trump manipulating the market?

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