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I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news"

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I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news" Empty I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news"

Post by Rocinante 2018-07-12, 11:01

It's speculation. And EVERY news reporting/producing company does it.

Listen to any old (like 1970s or prior) news cast. Speculative questions like "If the president appoints __________ to ___________, how might we expect___________ to change?" are not asked. They just aren't. Reputations are discussed, sure, but some talking head doesn't come in and make weird or dire predictions about what someone might do and what might happen were that hypothetical situation to arise. You heard things like "the president is expected to ask PM Begin to___________ during the upcoming Camp David summit". and those reports were based on WH briefings. They hardly ever had anyone analyze the effect of an action until it had happened.

News now reports speculation about what will happen and then paints a dystopian picture of how that will play out. It's fear mongering and it leads to people reacting to speculation rather than reality. Seriously, take any of your favorite news sources, from the most reputable to the most biased. They ALL do it. It's likely the biggest share of their product.

It's a business. And business is in getting people to react. I guess fear and anger based on fantasy scenarios is one way to get that.

You know what my solutions is, right?

Posts : 20588
Join date : 2014-04-21
Location : East Lansing, MI

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I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news" Empty Re: I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news"

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2018-07-12, 11:17

Rocinante wrote:It's speculation. And EVERY news reporting/producing company does it.

Listen to any old (like 1970s or prior) news cast. Speculative questions like "If the president appoints __________ to ___________, how might we expect___________ to change?" are not asked. They just aren't. Reputations are discussed, sure, but some talking head doesn't come in and make weird or dire predictions about what someone might do and what might happen were that hypothetical situation to arise. You heard things like "the president is expected to ask PM Begin to___________ during the upcoming Camp David summit". and those reports were based on WH briefings. They hardly ever had anyone analyze the effect of an action until it had happened.

News now reports speculation about what will happen and then paints a dystopian picture of how that will play out. It's fear mongering and it leads to people reacting to speculation rather than reality. Seriously, take any of your favorite news sources, from the most reputable to the most biased. They ALL do it. It's likely the biggest share of their product.

It's a business. And business is in getting people to react. I guess fear and anger based on fantasy scenarios is one way to get that.

You know what my solutions is, right?

Ask Elon Musk to fix it?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

Posts : 23330
Join date : 2014-04-30

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I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news" Empty Re: I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news"

Post by Rocinante 2018-07-12, 11:21

No Pylon.

Posts : 20588
Join date : 2014-04-21
Location : East Lansing, MI

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I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news" Empty Re: I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news"

Post by Rocinante 2018-07-12, 11:22

I mean: No, Pylon.

But also no pylon.

Posts : 20588
Join date : 2014-04-21
Location : East Lansing, MI

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I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news" Empty Re: I figured out what's different about modern news and leads easily to hyperbole and "fake news"

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