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The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi

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The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi Empty The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi

Post by Robert J Sakimano 07/05/19, 04:54 am

Oh - I'm sure this will outrage the "pro-life" folks.. The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi 502811600

Warning: Mainstream Media Link -
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Join date : 2014-04-15

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The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi Empty Re: The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi

Post by Cameron 07/05/19, 09:44 am

Well, that will make the right people happy and the right people upset, so it's clear why Trump did this.

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The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi Empty Re: The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi

Post by Robert J Sakimano 07/05/19, 09:47 am

Cameron wrote:Well, that will make the right people happy and the right people upset, so it's clear why Trump did this.
exactly.. I'm sure he and his disgusting supporters wish the brave patriotic solider had killed more brown people..

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi Empty Re: The Racist, Bigoted Christian Sexual Predator Pardons Solider Convicted of Killing an Iraqi

Post by Trapper Gus 10/10/24, 08:19 am

Cheers & Jeers wrote:Smoking gun/mushroom cloud, yellowcake from Niger (not!), MASSIVE QUANTITIES OF WMDs!!!, Shock and Awe, Saddam spokesman "Baghdad Bob" declares victory over USA, Saddam statue pulled down and beaten with shoes, war will be over "in weeks," it'll cost only $1.7 billion, looting is OK because "free people are free to do what they want” …

Viceroy Bremer disbands Iraqi military, U.N. building blown up, Saddam sons Don Jr. and Eric Uday & Qusay lose gunfight, body and vehicle armor inadequate, disheveled Saddam found in spider hole, Sunni vs. Shia vs. Kurds vs. Christians, WMDs WILL BE FOUND in "Tikrit and Baghdad and areas north, east, west and south somewhat," Saddam snacks on Doritos in captivity, suicide bombs explode morning noon and night, Abu Ghraib, Saddam's hanging caught on phone-cams, WHERE ARE THE WMDs???, al Qaeda recruitment skyrockets, "You go to war with the army you have not the army you want or wish to have at another time," stunning incompetence among U.S. civilian leadership, insurgency "is in its last throes" (not!), casualty rate among troops and civilians appallingly high, "THOSE WMDS HAVE GOT TO BE HERE SOMEWHERE!", no-bid contracts to Bush-Cheney cronies, spotty electricity and raw sewage, no sweets and no flowers, “the surge,” Blackwater mercenaries commit atrocities, Iraqi parliament models itself on our Congress by not doing anything and spending half its time on vacation, faulty wiring electrocutes troops in showers, 26 additional reasons given by neocons for starting the war when NO WMDs ARE FOUND, Bush barely dodges shoes thrown at his head, Obama supervises orderly pullout as $2.4 trillion+ gets plunked on America's credit card and blows hole in deficit. Republican deficit hawks shrug.

The odd thing is after this debacle people keep voting for Republicans.

edit - I think this is supposed to be sung to the music of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire"

Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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