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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2020-10-24, 13:02

2004 and 1988

This is now the game thread
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by DWags 2020-10-24, 13:30

We suck. Does that matter?

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2020-10-24, 13:37

We weren’t great in 2004 dwags. I don’t really know what happened in 88
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by GRR Spartan 2020-10-24, 18:02

Everytime Travs was breathing in election years and MSU lost to Rutgers the GOP won.

Quit breathing Travis.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2020-10-24, 18:38

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:We weren’t great in 2004 dwags. I don’t really know what happened in 88

I remember that '88 game. Should have won. The non conference schedule was brutal. This was the one game we were supposed to win. ND and FSU were the other two games.

We recovered in conference play and damn near got back to the Rose Bowl.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Turtleneck 2020-10-24, 18:42

You sound old.

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2020-10-24, 18:54

Turtleneck wrote:You sound old.

Shit, I'm a young buck compared to a majority of the old turds around here.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Turtleneck 2020-10-24, 19:43

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:You sound old.

Shit, I'm a young buck compared to a majority of the old turds around here.

GreenWay and Pantry are in their 60s. Floyd is 73. Other than that, everybody is under 50.

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2020-10-24, 20:28

GRR Spartan wrote:Everytime Travs was breathing in election years and MSU lost to Rutgers the GOP won.

Quit breathing Travis.

That’s rude
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2020-10-24, 20:29

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:We weren’t great in 2004 dwags. I don’t really know what happened in 88

I remember that '88 game. Should have won. The non conference schedule was brutal. This was the one game we were supposed to win. ND and FSU were the other two games.

We recovered in conference play and damn near got back to the Rose Bowl.

And yet everyone is so astounded by my cfp thread
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Age : 40
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Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win Empty Re: Every time Rutgers has beaten MSU in an election year prior to the election, the Republican went on to win

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