Spartan Swill
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Republican Media Viewers Less Likely to Trust News Media - Water is Wet

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Republican Media Viewers Less Likely to Trust News Media - Water is Wet Empty Republican Media Viewers Less Likely to Trust News Media - Water is Wet

Post by Trapper Gus 2023-05-01, 08:15

Fox News & other conservative media, such as Conservative Radio Have been telling them not to trust anyone by themselves for 20 years.  

Is it any wonder that Republicans are fat, drunk & stupid?

(/s on the "fat, drunk & stupid, however they have absorbed the belief that only what "Fox News" tells them is the truth, and this belief has bled over into other groups, too.  Of course, reading multiple sources of reputable media, aka not Fox & Conservative Talk, is the best way to know what is going on.)

Republicans view the news media less favorably than Democrats, with 61% of Republicans saying the news media is hurting democracy, compared with 23% of Democrats and 36% of independents who don’t lean toward either party. Majorities across party lines say the news media fuels political division, but Republicans are much more likely than Democrats to say that’s happening a lot.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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Join date : 2014-04-26
Age : 70
Location : 40 Mile Point Lighthouse

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Republican Media Viewers Less Likely to Trust News Media - Water is Wet Empty Re: Republican Media Viewers Less Likely to Trust News Media - Water is Wet

Post by Trapper Gus 2023-05-03, 12:10

Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents younger than 45 were 11 points likelier than their older counterparts to cite an economic reason. Among Republicans, there was no difference by age in the share citing the economy.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

Posts : 19209
Join date : 2014-04-26
Age : 70
Location : 40 Mile Point Lighthouse

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