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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2014-09-26, 16:35

Izzone members get the option to

A) Pay $90, get a ticket and take the bus with the Izzone, pretty much get there right before the game, and return to EL after our game.

B) Pay $47, get a ticket in the same section, drive ourselves, go to a bar or two before the game in downtown Indy. Plus we can watch the other game if we want. Either drive back after the game or get a cheap hotel for the night. Not sure how many people we would have, might be only 2.

Am I over thinking this? I'm leaning towards B.

It will be a weekday night game, keep in mind. I got class mothafuckas.

What say you, tSwill?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by InTenSity 2014-09-26, 16:40

Indy is a fun town. Personally, I'd try to go down there separately. If you go with the Izzone, will they treat you like an adult, or like a HS kid on a field trip? Although I don't know your financial situation, so spending a couple hundred to go on a round trip ride to Indy, might be difficult. Ultimately, I'd do my best to make option B work, then fall back on A.

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Guest 2014-09-26, 17:34

InTenSity wrote:Indy is a fun town. Personally, I'd try to go down there separately. If you go with the Izzone, will they treat you like an adult, or like a HS kid on a field trip? Although I don't know your financial situation, so spending a couple hundred to go on a round trip ride to Indy, might be difficult. Ultimately, I'd do my best to make option B work, then fall back on A.

I'd find a blue hair to finance your trip.

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Snake Plissken 2014-09-26, 19:45

InTenSity wrote:Indy is a fun town. Personally, I'd try to go down there separately. If you go with the Izzone, will they treat you like an adult, or like a HS kid on a field trip? Although I don't know your financial situation, so spending a couple hundred to go on a round trip ride to Indy, might be difficult. Ultimately, I'd do my best to make option B work, then fall back on A.

I agree. B every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Snake Plissken
Snake Plissken

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2014-09-26, 19:58

It ended up being an easy decision. B, baby.

While were here, anyone plan on making the trip down there? First time I'll be really really 21 in Indy.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by InTenSity 2014-11-18, 18:30

Hope you drove. The bus broke down in gas city, or something like that.

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-11-19, 12:32

InTenSity wrote:Hope you drove. The bus broke down in gas city, or something like that.
The Izzone bus broke down?

Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? 1966794946
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by NigelUno 2014-11-19, 12:34

Robert J Sakimano wrote:The Izzone bus broke down?

Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? 1966794946

Too many kids in costumes probably. Excess weight.

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-11-19, 12:50

NigelUno wrote:

Too many kids in costumes probably.  Excess weight.
it would seem like a living nightmare to be driving up I-69 toward Michigan and seeing Tinky Winky et al. hitch-hiking on the side of the road.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by NigelUno 2014-11-19, 12:53

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
it would seem like a living nightmare to be driving up I-69 toward Michigan and seeing Tinky Winky et al. hitch-hiking on the side of the road.


Or a guy in an argyle suit with a gimp mask.

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-11-19, 12:59

NigelUno wrote:

Or a guy in an argyle suit with a gimp mask.
"Dear, I'm going to speed up.. do NOT make eye contact... divert your eyes.. look away.. NOW.. DO IT"!!!

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2014-11-19, 14:07

Heard about that at the bar...good thing we drove. Great time down in indy. Tum tum going to be a star.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves? Empty Re: Champions Classic in Indy: Take Izzone bus or drive ourselves?

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