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Restaurant recommendation

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Restaurant recommendation

Post by Cym Jim 2014-12-18, 00:36

Any thoughts on a restaurant for around 10 people tomorrow night? We did the State Room Tuesday (very good), Red Haven tonight (pretty good), but I'm buying tomorrow. No budget limitations, and they need to have a good wine list. A friend suggested Tannin or Maru? Any others?

Cym Jim
Cym Jim

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Re: Restaurant recommendation

Post by xsanguine 2014-12-18, 02:13

No budget. Check
Good wine list. Check

Now, does the geography matter?

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Re: Restaurant recommendation

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-12-18, 09:08

I'm not much of a wine person (I drink it from time to time but I'm certainly not a wine enthusiast) but my first thought was either Beggars (the food there can be hit or miss) and the one place in Okemos, Dusty's Cellar. I don't think I've been there in a while, if ever - but I hear some positive things about it.

not sure if either has what you're looking for - as you know, a non-burger driven positive dining experience is hard to come by in the East Lansing area
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Re: Restaurant recommendation

Post by Cym Jim 2014-12-18, 16:30

Looks like we're going to Tannin, I'll let you know how it is. Red Haven was pretty good, but I've had a lot better tapas for a lot less money.
Cym Jim
Cym Jim

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Re: Restaurant recommendation

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-12-19, 08:13

Cym Jim wrote:Looks like we're going to Tannin, I'll let you know how it is. Red Haven was pretty good, but I've had a lot better tapas for a lot less money.
haven't made it to Red Haven but I have heard that it's decent.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Re: Restaurant recommendation

Post by Turtleneck 2014-12-25, 11:30

Anybody try Applebee's?

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Re: Restaurant recommendation

Post by Snake Plissken 2015-01-03, 18:28

Try Capital Prime or Mitchell's Fish Market
Snake Plissken
Snake Plissken

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Restaurant recommendation Empty Re: Restaurant recommendation

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