Spartan Swill
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Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke

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Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke Empty Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke

Post by SpartanInNH Fri 8 May 2015 - 19:31

After Nearly Claiming His Life, Ebola Lurked in a Doctor's Eye

Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke 08EBOLEYE-master1050
"Before he contracted Ebola, Dr. Ian Crozier had two blue eyes. After he was told he was cured of the disease, his left eye turned green."  Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke 1401550746

The pressure inside his eye, which had been dangerously elevated, began to drop — too much. The eye became doughy to the touch, as if it were turning to mush.

“The eye felt dead to me,” Dr. Crozier said.

The biggest shock came one morning about 10 days after his symptoms started, when he glanced in the mirror and saw that his eye had actually changed color. His iris, normally bright blue, had turned a vivid green. Rarely, severe viral infections can cause such a color change, and it is usually permanent.

“It was like an assault,” he said. “It was so personal.”

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Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke Empty Re: Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke

Post by Floyd Robertson Fri 8 May 2015 - 19:46

You know, you could have easily not started this thread affraid
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Floyd Robertson

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Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke Empty Re: Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke

Post by The Pantry Fri 8 May 2015 - 20:21

Iris colors can change with body toxin levels.
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Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke Empty Re: Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke

Post by tGreenWay Sat 9 May 2015 - 0:22

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Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke Empty Re: Jesus Christ, now I'm gonna puke

Post by LoneWolfSparty Sat 9 May 2015 - 8:14

tGreenWay wrote:Eyebola.

I bowl, yeah.

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