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Terrible Story about young MSU alum

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Terrible Story about young MSU alum Empty Terrible Story about young MSU alum

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2015-11-02, 23:00

Have you guys heard of this? Stacy Blakeslee is her name. 

She had a staph infection that led to complications and has not recovered.

While the family was trying to deal with Stacy's medical issues, the mom got diagnosed with cancer. She just died. 

The dad recently lost his job as he had to spend most of his time caring for his daughter and wife. 

Unbelievable. So sad. Hopefully the dad doesn't have to pick up shifts waiting tables and get stiffed by customers because he's in his 50's and should have a better profession.

(I don't know this family, I stumbled across the GFM a few years back and have been following their saga since)

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Terrible Story about young MSU alum Empty Re: Terrible Story about young MSU alum

Post by SpartanInNH 2015-11-03, 22:19

Christ. How sad.

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Terrible Story about young MSU alum Empty Re: Terrible Story about young MSU alum

Post by DWags 2015-11-03, 22:21

Geez, sorry WBH, that's horrible.

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Terrible Story about young MSU alum Empty Re: Terrible Story about young MSU alum

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2015-11-03, 22:32

DWags wrote:Geez, sorry WBH, that's horrible.
Don't apologize to me, man. I'm just an outside observer to the situation. I happened to catch the campaign somewhere, floated the family a couple of bucks via the GFM account and have gotten updates ever since. 

It started with the young MSU grad and her issues. Sad enough. I think that was when I donated. 

Then, the mom got the big C. Then the big C became terminal. Then Mom and young MSU grad were being cared for together. Then dad lost his job. Then Mom lost her life. 

Holy fuck. Just terrible. 

I emailed the sister running the campaign and asked what field her dad was in but I haven't gotten a response.

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Terrible Story about young MSU alum Empty Re: Terrible Story about young MSU alum

Post by GRR Spartan 2015-11-04, 06:49

Infections had been put on the backpage for a long time as we incorrectly thought antibiotics were always the answer.

This story and others show there are no such things a "minor infections" any longer. If you are unfortunate and get infected with an aggressive infection your life can change in hours.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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