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Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race?

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Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? Empty Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race?

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2016-01-08, 11:40

In an attempt to be PC?

I have noticed it a lot in the Detroit rags. IF THE SUSPECT IS STILL AT LARGE YOU MAY WANT TO TELL US IF THEY'RE WHITE BLACK MEXICAN OR JAPANESE. "Olive complexion" doesn't really help. Was it a member of hezbollah? A light skinned brother? A tan white guy?? Fucking ridiculous.

The two assailants are described by officials as men who are 30- to 35-years-old. One has an olive complexion and is approximately 6-foot with a medium build. He was wearing all dark clothing and was clean-shaven.

The second suspect is approximately 5-foot-9 with a medium build. He had dark hair and was wearing tan pants.

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Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? Empty Re: Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2016-01-08, 11:42

we should build a wall around the olive people..

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? Empty Re: Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race?

Post by Rocinante 2016-01-08, 11:43

Olive complexion could mean they couldn't tell if he was Hispanic or middle eastern, or a tan Italian. Or Greek. I don't see a problem with that.

I don't notice this as often as you apparently do.

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Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? Empty Re: Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race?

Post by Turtleneck 2016-01-08, 11:44

Rocinante wrote:Olive complexion could mean they couldn't tell if he was Hispanic or middle eastern, or a tan Italian. Or Greek. I don't see a problem with that.

I don't notice this as often as you apparently do.

They said he was clean shaven, so that rules out those two.

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Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? Empty Re: Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race?

Post by Rocinante 2016-01-08, 11:47

Turtleneck wrote:
Rocinante wrote:Olive complexion could mean they couldn't tell if he was Hispanic or middle eastern, or a tan Italian. Or Greek. I don't see a problem with that.

I don't notice this as often as you apparently do.

They said he was clean shaven, so that rules out those two.

Also, he didn't smell like falafel or look greasy.

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Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? Empty Re: Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race?

Post by The_Dude 2016-01-08, 13:04

Olive complexion Razz Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? 502811600 Can we talk about News outlets not identifying suspects by race? 1966794946
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