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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Travis of the Cosmos
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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Vlad 2016-01-19, 11:47

You know, the type who seeks validation by creating silly little polls about others?

It's a fuckin' message board Nigel. Get over yourself.

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by NigelUno 2016-01-19, 11:48

Vlad wrote:You know, the type who seeks validation by creating silly little polls about others?

It's a fuckin' message board Nigel. Get over yourself.

Are you going to do a poll?

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2016-01-19, 11:49

Travis probably
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Vlad 2016-01-19, 11:50

NigelUno wrote:
Vlad wrote:You know, the type who seeks validation by creating silly little polls about others?

It's a fuckin' message board Nigel. Get over yourself.

Are you going to do a poll?  

Why would I need to do a poll? Do you think your opinion matters?

Last edited by Vlad on 2016-01-19, 11:50; edited 1 time in total

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Turtleneck 2016-01-19, 11:50


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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by tanfan! 2016-01-19, 11:50

He's psychotic.

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2016-01-19, 11:50

When I saw this thread I got a pit in my stomach hoping no one would nominate me.

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by tanfan! 2016-01-19, 11:51

Turtleneck wrote:Guest

You got me!!!!

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Turtleneck 2016-01-19, 11:52

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:When I saw this thread I got a pit in my stomach hoping no one would nominate me.

Maybe the feeling in your stomach is from your fiber supplement.

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Blanch32 2016-01-19, 13:32

Vlad wrote:
NigelUno wrote:

Are you going to do a poll?  

Why would I need to do a poll? Do you think your opinion matters?

Agreed. Litterally no one here besides muffy agrees with nigel. No one. Not even dwags

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by tGreenWay 2016-01-19, 13:35

Turtleneck wrote:Guest

You sonuvabitch why I oughta....
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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Vlad 2016-01-19, 13:51

It's ok fellas, I'm about to make Nigel my girlfriend. We're gonna be very close going forward. Twisted Evil

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2016-01-19, 13:57

Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Giant Moose 2016-01-19, 14:06

Mark Hollis. He was so scared that we would never be as high in value to apparel companies after the Rose Bowl that he negotiated a horrible deal with Nike and cost MSU millions.
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Giant Moose

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by DWags 2016-01-19, 14:09

I'm pretty insecure. I constantly lose sleep worrying about things I don't have to worry about. I need to let shit go, but I worry about everything. From my employees families to my daughter getting enough carbs/protein/veggies. I worry about my mom being alone in a big house monday through Friday. I worry that my older cat is getting too fat. I'm worrying about my damn driveway, the last 6 squares are definitely cracking and will need to e replaced this spring. Shit, this thread sucks. If I'm not mentioned, I volunteer for being the most insecure worry wart on the board. Now, I'm pretty worried about how creepy some of these posts above this one just got. Not joking, it's creepy, and I'm worried about it. I worry about whether that guy over in Manitowoc is really guilty. I worry somehow that whoever is guilty of attempted murder of the whole city of Flint will get away with it. I worry that it's going to be Sanders vs. Trump for the whole ball of wax and I worry for some reason we'll see naked pictures of Hilliary Clinton that will be leaked. We all know we shouldn't look, but I worry the temptation will be too great and we will look. And then what will life be like after that.

Last edited by DWags on 2016-01-19, 14:12; edited 1 time in total

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Giant Moose 2016-01-19, 14:10

DWags proving why I nominated him for biggest troll. Nobody thinks that way in real life. A man worried about a cat? No way.
Giant Moose
Giant Moose

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Vlad 2016-01-19, 14:15

Giant Moose wrote:DWags proving why I nominated him for biggest troll. Nobody thinks that way in real life. A man worried about a cat? No way.

It's age related. Pretty soon he'll be sitting on his porch yelling at clouds.

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by DWags 2016-01-19, 14:17

I worry there won't be any good clouds to yell at when it's my turn.

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Blanch32 2016-01-19, 15:10

DWags wrote:I'm pretty insecure. I constantly lose sleep worrying about things I don't have to worry about. I need to let shit go, but I worry about everything. From my employees families to my daughter getting enough carbs/protein/veggies. I worry about my mom being alone in a big house monday through Friday. I worry that my older cat is getting too fat. I'm worrying about my damn driveway, the last 6 squares are definitely cracking and will need to e replaced this spring. Shit, this thread sucks. If I'm not mentioned, I volunteer for being the most insecure worry wart on the board. Now, I'm pretty worried about how creepy some of these posts above this one just got. Not joking, it's creepy, and I'm worried about it. I worry about whether that guy over in Manitowoc is really guilty. I worry somehow that whoever is guilty of attempted murder of the whole city of Flint will get away with it. I worry that it's going to be Sanders vs. Trump for the whole ball of wax and I worry for some reason we'll see naked pictures of Hilliary Clinton that will be leaked. We all know we shouldn't look, but I worry the temptation will be too great and we will look. And then what will life be like after that. do love nigel, do you! Hoooray!!!!

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by NigelUno 2016-01-19, 15:17

I am very creeped out. Does that count as scared?

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by Vlad 2016-01-19, 15:34

NigelUno wrote:I am very creeped out. Does that count as scared?

Nigel, what do you want for Valentine's Day?

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

Post by tanfan! 2016-01-19, 16:09

It's pretty sad that the only poster who is aligned with Nigel is Muffy. Actually, it's pretty telling. Both are trolls and both think their opinions are the only ones that should be followed. Sanctimony and narcissistic is the best way to describe both of them. It's great that t swill membership is finally figuring this out.

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Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here? Empty Re: Most insecure (scared little boy) poster on here?

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