Spartan Swill
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About these former NFL players who've admitted to peeing in their pants during NFL games...

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About these former NFL players who've admitted to peeing in their pants during NFL games... Empty About these former NFL players who've admitted to peeing in their pants during NFL games...

Post by Vlad Fri 1 Aug 2014 - 8:51

Why hasn't more been made of this issue?? I mean, they're not wearing diapers under their pants, right? So the piss must be getting out the pants and getting on other players?? How f'in disgusting is that??

Schlereth, I like you as an ESPN analyst, but that's just frigging disgusting!

I wonder what else these players do that we never find out about. Reminds of Hollywood Henderson, who admitted to doing cocaine DURING NFL games!! Actually pointed to where the cocaine was hidden in his pants during past games!! WTF??

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Join date : 2014-05-09

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