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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

Post by Guest 2016-02-19, 15:49

RIP - the the best of the 3 AC/DC front men.


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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty Re: 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

Post by steveschneider 2016-02-19, 15:59

I'm a huge fan of the Bon Scott era AC/DC.

Let There Be Rock

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Join date : 2014-05-02

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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty Re: 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

Post by Guest 2016-02-19, 16:01

steveschneider wrote:I'm a huge fan of the Bon Scott era AC/DC.

Let There Be Rock

My best friend and I literally wore out 3 cassettes of "If you want Blood" - we thought the band was done when Bon died.

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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty Re: 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

Post by steveschneider 2016-02-19, 16:08

LooseGoose wrote:
steveschneider wrote:I'm a huge fan of the Bon Scott era AC/DC.

Let There Be Rock

My best friend and I literally wore out 3 cassettes of "If you want Blood" - we thought the band was done when Bon died.

Did you ever see them live with Bon? I've only heard second hand stories from a few that were lucky enough to have seen him.

One thing I always loved about his lyrics were the corny little intros to the songs, like 'the judges gavel fell, the jury found him guilty they gave him 16 years in hell'

or 'the following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the guilty'.


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Join date : 2014-05-02

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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty Re: 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

Post by Guest 2016-02-19, 17:05

steveschneider wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:

My best friend and I literally wore out 3 cassettes of "If you want Blood" - we thought the band was done when Bon died.

Did you ever see them live with Bon? I've only heard second hand stories from a few that were lucky enough to have seen him.

One thing I always loved about his lyrics were the corny little intros to the songs, like 'the judges gavel fell, the jury found him guilty they gave him 16 years in hell'

or 'the following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the guilty'.

The same friend dragged me over to the now legendary show....Capitol Theater, Flint, MI 12/5/1977.

Used to be some good shows there, I saw Angel at the Capitol too. And Billion Dollar Babies at the old Downtown IMA.

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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty Re: 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

Post by steveschneider 2016-02-19, 17:21

LooseGoose wrote:
steveschneider wrote:

Did you ever see them live with Bon? I've only heard second hand stories from a few that were lucky enough to have seen him.

One thing I always loved about his lyrics were the corny little intros to the songs, like 'the judges gavel fell, the jury found him guilty they gave him 16 years in hell'

or 'the following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the guilty'.

The same friend dragged me over to the now legendary show....Capitol Theater, Flint, MI 12/5/1977.

Used to be some good shows there, I saw Angel at the Capitol too. And Billion Dollar Babies at the old Downtown IMA.

I've been to a few metal shows there. I can't remember if it was there or Detroit at the Magic Stick but we left one show and ran every light on our way to the highway. It was so fucking desolate, no one was around and it just seemed like a waste of time sitting at those intersections.

Posts : 34251
Join date : 2014-05-02

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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty Re: 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

Post by DWags 2016-02-19, 18:20

Wow. 36 years. I guess I was a freshman at MSU 35 years ago.

We've got the biggest balls of them all.

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Age : 62
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36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell Empty Re: 36 years ago today - Bon Scott started down the Highway to Hell

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