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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered Empty Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

Post by Bronco_Bahma 2014-05-17, 01:05

Liberals are making a crucial mistake in this incessant attempt to marginalize the deaths at Benghazi and the administration's subsequent hail mary effort to redefine it as a one off "incident" based on an obscure youtube video.

As we NOW know, what occurred was an orchestrated terrorist attack during a time when Democrats were blowing party horns that Al-Qaeda was defeated. We all remember the DNC signs "Detroit is alive and Bin Ladin is dead!"

Their miscalculation centers around their party's inability to recognize that a great majority of undecided and independent voters this fall are parents. Liberal cackling that the death of four sons is "old news" is insulting to any any dad, regardless of party affiliation.

We're the United States of America. We don't leave our citizens and ambassadors to fight off a terrorist attack with kitchen utensils.

And yet that is exactly what the vulnerable fella seeking reelection did. And when their youtube defense backfired, all hell broke loose to salvage a chest thumping campaign narrative. How dare those four dead Americans put his November reelection victory celebration at risk.

Fast forward to the midterms and they're right back at it. "There's nothing left to know, all questions have been answered!" I call it their Benghazi Shower of Shame. The Democrat's way to cleanse themselves of the guilt which comes from identifying four dead Americans as fodder for their midterm massacre.
Lather, rinse, repeat. Right libs?

So Eleanor, keep on redefining what is death. Bottom line...four men arrived home in a casket and the COMMANDER IN CHIEF (and Secretary of State clamoring to succeed him) did absolutely nothing to prevent it.

To the rest of those liberals equally as disinterested in Benghazi, you folks keep on with the comedic stand up shtick as well. The intellectually honest know exactly what is going on here and you're going to find out just how many independent and moderate moms and dads in November will be standing in line to vote, thinking...

..."that could have been my boy whose death they are calling 'old news.'"

Indeed, absolute power corrupts absolutely and as a result, one party has lost its soul.

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Join date : 2014-05-06

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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered Empty Re: Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-05-19, 10:00

I demand an answer..

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered Empty Re: Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

Post by Rocinante 2014-05-19, 11:23

Maybe one more senate hearing will do it.

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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered Empty Re: Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-05-19, 11:47

Rocinante wrote:Maybe one more senate hearing will do it.
the best part about republicans whining about Benghazi is that it means that Obamacare is working..

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered Empty Re: Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

Post by Rocinante 2014-05-19, 12:34

OP grandstands in classic GOP fashion, scolding an invented cavalier liberal attitude toward American deaths while simultaneously drooling over another multi million dollar sub committee hearing that will come to nothing. The disingenuous outrage is sickening. It's not about finding truth, it's desperation. If only we can get SOMETHING to stick, we might have a chance at winning back the white house. Pathetic. If you're really that mad, OP, you need to direct it at your representatives that are wasting time and resources chasing phantoms and telling you it's the smoking gun. I've written my republican rep multiple times letting her know I'm tired of the witch hunt. You should too.

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Location : East Lansing, MI

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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered Empty Re: Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-05-19, 12:46

Rocinante wrote:OP grandstands in classic GOP fashion, scolding an invented cavalier liberal attitude toward American deaths while simultaneously drooling over another multi million dollar sub committee hearing that will come to nothing. The disingenuous outrage is sickening. It's not about finding truth, it's desperation. If only we can get SOMETHING to stick, we might have a chance at winning back the white house. Pathetic. If you're really that mad, OP, you need to direct it at your representatives that are wasting time and resources chasing phantoms and telling you it's the smoking gun. I've written my republican rep multiple times letting her know I'm tired of the witch hunt. You should too.
but they're not really mad.. or upset.. otherwise, they wouldn't be attempting to politicize the deaths of 4 Americans..

they're just tired of looking at a muslim negro in the White House and will do whatever it takes to try to divert the attention away from Obama's modest successes..

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered Empty Re: Re: Benghazi and Eleanor Clift claiming Amb Stevens wasn't murdered

Post by Hut1hut2 2014-05-22, 18:20

Robert J Sakimano wrote:the best part about republicans whining about Benghazi is that it means that Obamacare is working..



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