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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Travis of the Cosmos
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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by Turtleneck 24/05/16, 09:46 am

The most overrated stats for your quarterbacks may be completion percentage

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by tGreenWay 24/05/16, 10:25 am

I think it's important for a quarterback to be able to complete passes.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 24/05/16, 10:28 am

It's one of the stats that much is for sure
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by Rocinante 24/05/16, 10:29 am

There's no magic bullet. But passer rating is a pretty damn good measure, and completion percentage is part of that.

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by DWags 24/05/16, 12:25 pm

tGreenWay wrote:I think it's important for a quarterback to be able to complete passes.

......DOWNFIELD. Other than that, it's just a long handoff.

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 24/05/16, 12:27 pm

What does this have to do with cook being a douche bag ?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by Turtleneck 24/05/16, 12:32 pm

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:What does this have to do with cook being a douche bag ?

People complained about his completion percentage...but he worked out well for MSU.

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 24/05/16, 12:33 pm

tGreenWay wrote:I think it's important for a quarterback to be able to complete passes.
I think you're getting bogged down in the details.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

Post by tGreenWay 24/05/16, 01:04 pm

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
tGreenWay wrote:I think it's important for a quarterback to be able to complete passes.
I think you're getting bogged down in the details.

I think it would be hard to play in a bog.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage? Empty Re: As a measure of a QB, how important is completion percentage?

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