Spartan Swill
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Hillary Leading Trump in a National Poll on Issues of National Security and Terrorism..

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Hillary Leading Trump in a National Poll on Issues of National Security and Terrorism..  Empty Hillary Leading Trump in a National Poll on Issues of National Security and Terrorism..

Post by Robert J Sakimano Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:42 pm

Clinton maintains lead on Trump after nomination

I did think this was interesting since, for whatever reason, Trump supporters believe terrorism/national security are his strongest areas:

In the aftermath of the Orlando, Florida nightclub shootings, there has been considerable focus on terrorism and gun policy. Clinton (50 percent) leads Trump (43 percent) on handling terrorism

I see it this way.. the mainstream media has always been in Trump's back pocket and I certainly don't think it'll change between now and November. So I suspect they have manipulated this poll and its data in an effort to rally Trump supporters, increase viewership on their shows/traffic on their website.. and to try to keep stirring the Trump base in hopes of making him seem vulnerable, thereby rallying his base.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Join date : 2014-04-15

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