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Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Other Teams Pursuing That
The Pantry
Travis of the Cosmos
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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Vlad 2016-07-08, 19:31

The more I learn, the more it seems that this country is a collection of 50 states, loosely united, not really a nation. It's getting scary out there.

1. Most of the southern states are still fighting the Civil War.  At the very least they are bitter as hell about losing that war.
2. Blacks are still angry as hell about slavery, and refuse to move forward and help themselves.
3. Whites are angry at Blacks (for being angry at Whites), and at Mexicans being allowed into the country.
4. Mexicans are angry because they're already here and don't want to be sent back.
5.  Democrats are mad at Republicans because they hate freedom.
6.  Republicans are mad at Democrats because they hate freedom.
7. Everyone is mad at Muslims because some of them are terrorists.
8. Everyone hates the Jews but say they love them.

Does anyone like anyone anymore??

Last edited by Vlad on 2016-07-08, 23:14; edited 1 time in total

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2016-07-08, 19:35

I think some of those are being quite dramatic
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by The Pantry 2016-07-08, 19:35

I'll take this as your complete approval of the 2nd Amendment. Woot!  Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? 969504605
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The Pantry

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by DWags 2016-07-08, 19:36

I like Travis.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by DWags 2016-07-08, 19:37

I don't like wolverines

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Rocinante 2016-07-08, 19:57

The world is topsy turvy when Travis is the most rational person on the board.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2016-07-08, 20:05

Rocinante wrote:The world is topsy turvy when Travis is the most rational person on the board.

Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Guest 2016-07-08, 20:10

I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by The Pantry 2016-07-08, 20:33

LooseGoose wrote:I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.
Please get working on the pasties
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The Pantry

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-07-08, 20:40

LooseGoose wrote:I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.

Like in front of you living wise? Living in 2016 and not 1916?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Guest 2016-07-08, 20:46

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.

Like in front of you living wise? Living in 2016 and not 1916?

LOL. Tell me how I'm living in 1916? Please be specific on those areas of my life I need to work on to catch up with enlightened 2016 you.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Guest 2016-07-08, 20:46

The Pantry wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.
Please get working on the pasties

I think we're looking at September, I can have them whipped into shape before Opening Day of 1917.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by The Pantry 2016-07-08, 20:47

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.

Like in front of you living wise? Living in 2016 and not 1916?
Okay...we get your hate of anyone older than you
The Pantry
The Pantry

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Rocinante 2016-07-08, 21:00

LooseGoose wrote:I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.

And the Dutch.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2016-07-08, 21:07

The Union is dead. Confederacy 4EVR.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Guest 2016-07-08, 21:16

Rocinante wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:I love nearly everyone, the only people I can't stomach are those that consider themselves superior to me.

And the Dutch.

Welll.....and the Irish.


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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Vlad 2016-07-08, 22:36

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:I think some of those are being quite dramatic

Really? Which ones?

9. Michiganders hate Ohioans just for being from across an imaginary border. Ohioans return the love.

10. The state of Alabama is divided over a silly football game.

11. Texans hate anyone that's not from Texas. Heck, they're not even sure if they want to be in this "union" thingy.

12. Our politicians threaten each other regularly, and call it "healthy disagreement".

Just seems like the unions is held together pretty loosely. I don't know if it was always this way, but it sure is these days.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2016-07-08, 22:37

Every instance in which you use the word "hate" in that post is being dramatic.
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by CORNER BLITZ 2016-07-08, 22:45

I thought this post was going to be about some auto union...

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Vlad 2016-07-08, 23:11

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Every instance in which you use the word "hate" in that post is being dramatic.

Disagree. Well...maybe a couple, but not every! There's a lot of hate out there these days.

I'm tellin' ya, the world seemed like a safer place back when The USSR and nuclear war were our only threats. We got shit going on everywhere now, inside our borders and out! Trump can build a wall to keep the Mexicans out but what's he gonna do about the problems inside the wall??

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by The Pantry 2016-07-08, 23:15

Vlad wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Every instance in which you use the word "hate" in that post is being dramatic.

Disagree. Well...maybe a couple, but not every! There's a lot of hate out there these days.

I'm tellin' ya, the world seemed like a safer place back when The USSR and nuclear war were our only threats.  We got shit going on everywhere now, inside our borders and out!  Trump can build a wall to keep the Mexicans out but what's he gonna do about the problems inside the wall??
You already seem pissed Hillary is gonna lose months from now

Last edited by The Pantry on 2016-07-08, 23:16; edited 1 time in total
The Pantry
The Pantry

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by InTenSity 2016-07-08, 23:15

That's all good. Until an outside force attacks the U.S.and everyone unites against them. Then stupid fucking laws are put in place to restrict freedoms in the name of patriotism. So, the U.S. Might be a dysfunctional family, but it unites against a common enemy.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Rocinante 2016-07-08, 23:21

InTenSity wrote:That's all good. Until an outside force attacks the U.S.and everyone unites against them. Then stupid fucking laws are put in place to restrict freedoms in the name of patriotism. So, the U.S. Might be a dysfunctional family, but it unites against a common enemy.

Yeah like fuckin Mormons.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2016-07-08, 23:23

Vlad wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Every instance in which you use the word "hate" in that post is being dramatic.

Disagree. Well...maybe a couple, but not every! There's a lot of hate out there these days.

I'm tellin' ya, the world seemed like a safer place back when The USSR and nuclear war were our only threats. We got shit going on everywhere now, inside our borders and out! Trump can build a wall to keep the Mexicans out but what's he gonna do about the problems inside the wall??

Nah, it's like intensity said about uniting. Do people from Michigan actually HATE people from Ohio? They may say they do, but no, they don't. This isn't Israel versus Palestine. It's a football rivalry as much as anything else. It's not hatred. Same with Texas. Or pretty Much any other inside the us "fight" you'll name.
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by MiamiSpartan 2016-07-08, 23:36

Vlad wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Every instance in which you use the word "hate" in that post is being dramatic.

Disagree. Well...maybe a couple, but not every! There's a lot of hate out there these days.

I'm tellin' ya, the world seemed like a safer place back when The USSR and nuclear war were our only threats. We got shit going on everywhere now, inside our borders and out! Trump can build a wall to keep the Mexicans out but what's he gonna do about the problems inside the wall??
Yup, back in the Cold War days it was all harmony internally in the US.

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 Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us? Empty Re: Is the Union really as strong as our presidents tell us?

Post by DWags 2016-07-08, 23:42

MiamiSpartan wrote:
Vlad wrote:

Disagree. Well...maybe a couple, but not every! There's a lot of hate out there these days.

I'm tellin' ya, the world seemed like a safer place back when The USSR and nuclear war were our only threats. We got shit going on everywhere now, inside our borders and out! Trump can build a wall to keep the Mexicans out but what's he gonna do about the problems inside the wall??
Yup, back in the Cold War days it was all harmony internally in the US.

I've said this before but we have a poster on the swill who is a relative of Joe McCarthy.

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