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Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting

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Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting Empty Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting

Post by Floyd Robertson Thu 21 Jul 2016 - 17:08

Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting

DETROIT (AP) - A judge on Thursday blocked Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting, saying it's a direct strike on the rights of blacks in big cities who tend to vote for Democrats with a single mark on the ballot.

U.S. District Judge Gershwin Drain signed an injunction, a week after hearing arguments. He says the law would place a "disproportionate burden" on blacks in the fall election, the first election that would be affected.

A disproportionate burden is filling in a bunch of circles or punching a bunch of chads?
Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting Empty Re: Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting

Post by Watch Out Pylon! Thu 21 Jul 2016 - 17:20

My voting station uses the ballots where I have to fill in the arrows.

Do a lot of people vote straight tickets these days?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting Empty Re: Federal judge blocks Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting

Post by DWags Thu 21 Jul 2016 - 17:35

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:My voting station uses the ballots where I have to fill in the arrows.

Do a lot of people vote straight tickets these days?

Where I do, the sheep are all over the place and yes they do.

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