Spartan Swill
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my tak3 on the rutgers win

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my tak3 on the rutgers win Empty my tak3 on the rutgers win

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-15, 07:53

congrats on stopping the worst losing streak pretty much ever witb authority.

i didnt watch the game, but gotta believe rutgers sucks so bad they probably just quit down 14, so i wouldn't put too much on this one game. remember in 2003, we waxed indiana by 40 before losing to psu by 55, so lets hope this team didnt already shoot their load.

I'm not counting on it. osu by 35 in a statement game for them

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my tak3 on the rutgers win Empty Re: my tak3 on the rutgers win

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-15, 08:58

Great point with Indiana win, which was 2002. This could very well be another dead cat bounce.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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my tak3 on the rutgers win Empty Re: my tak3 on the rutgers win

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-15, 12:06

does a 10 point loss count as dead cat?

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