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What time is the 3rd place B1G game today?

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What time is the 3rd place B1G game today? Empty What time is the 3rd place B1G game today?

Post by CORNER BLITZ 2016-12-03, 16:35

Anyone tuning in?

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What time is the 3rd place B1G game today? Empty Re: What time is the 3rd place B1G game today?

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2016-12-03, 16:45

8. Yeah probably

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What time is the 3rd place B1G game today? Empty Re: What time is the 3rd place B1G game today?

Post by Clarett's Folly 2016-12-03, 16:46

I'll flip over to it but I'll be staying with Clemson Va. Tech.
Clarett's Folly
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What time is the 3rd place B1G game today? Empty Re: What time is the 3rd place B1G game today?

Post by kingstonlake 2016-12-03, 16:48

Will Delaney be there to hand it out? If I were the winner I would ask some really tough questions to the commissioner when the microphone is in my face. I have a feeling Franklin might be that guy.....
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What time is the 3rd place B1G game today? Empty Re: What time is the 3rd place B1G game today?

Post by BleacherSwill 2016-12-03, 17:27

kingstonlake wrote:Will Delaney be there to hand it out?  If I were the winner I would ask some really tough questions to the commissioner when the microphone is in my face.  I have a feeling Franklin might be that guy.....

Not the venue to allow the commissioner an opportunity for any possible explanation.  It is however, the opportunity to loudly DECLARE your winning team the conference representative to the final four and dare that asshole Delaney to say otherwise in front of your fans.

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What time is the 3rd place B1G game today? Empty Re: What time is the 3rd place B1G game today?

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