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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by HiFriends 2017-01-25, 21:11


Posts : 19
Join date : 2017-01-06

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2017-01-25, 21:55

Who is MSU's worst recruiter?

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-01-25, 22:00

When do we fire izzo?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2017-01-25, 22:01

What day and time will the sky actually hit the ground?

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by HiFriends 2017-01-25, 22:09

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:Who is MSU's worst recruiter?

They're all pretty bad but if I had to pick one it's be Samuel

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Join date : 2017-01-06

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by HiFriends 2017-01-25, 22:09

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:When do we fire izzo?

In 5 years

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Join date : 2017-01-06

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by HiFriends 2017-01-25, 22:10

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:What day and time will the sky actually hit the ground?

It could happen any time but the best chance is at night

Posts : 19
Join date : 2017-01-06

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2017-01-25, 22:13

I think you're doing this wrong by quoting it bud. Only a mod can edit that.

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Location : Welcome to the Revolution

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by MattyFresh 2017-01-25, 22:14

Siracha.....delish or overrated hipster juice?

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

Post by HiFriends 2017-01-25, 22:15

Posts : 19
Join date : 2017-01-06

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Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous Empty Re: Ask me MSU related question, then when I answer, edit your question to make my answer ridiculous

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