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Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..

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Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  Empty Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-30, 14:23

imagine that.. being denied something because of your {gulp} beliefs.. Shocked

Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  502811600 Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  502811600 Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  502811600 Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  502811600

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  Empty Re: Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..

Post by Cameron 2017-01-30, 17:43

Seems like an odd stand for a business to take. Anti-discrimination laws don't generally mention political affiliation as a protected class though, do they? If not, then the store is well within their legal rights to decline service.

However, this seems to me to be a clear instance of "turnabout is fair play," something we see far too often where politics are concerned. Sort of an unhealthy way for society to behave, if you ask me.

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Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  Empty Re: Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..

Post by DWags 2017-01-30, 19:22

Cameron wrote:Seems like an odd stand for a business to take. Anti-discrimination laws don't generally mention political affiliation as a protected class though, do they? If not, then the store is well within their legal rights to decline service.

However, this seems to me to be a clear instance of "turnabout is fair play," something we see far too often where politics are concerned. Sort of an unhealthy way for society to behave, if you ask me.

If they advertised the service, they better follow through. It's as unhealthy of a society as I can remember. I have vague recollection of the nixon johnson years, where america was exploding, my mom has told me today it was worse back then, but the difference she claims is that people hate each other now, much anger was directed at the government back then.

as far as this case goes, I'm on the side of the trump supporter. Unless that store deemed her pictures pornography, which in noway would ever hold up in court, they need to provide the service they've advertised.

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Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  Empty Re: Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..

Post by I.B. Fine 2017-01-30, 19:31

The store owner is entitled to be an idiot, the customer is entitled, no obligated to let the world know the store is run by idiots and the rest of the community can decide whether or not they want to do business there, just the way it should work.
Happy to see no lawyers and law suits involved over hurt feelings for a change.
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Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  Empty Re: Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-31, 07:31

the only thing better than the little blonde snowflake being triggered is how sympathetic the mainstream media folks were to her plight of needing a picture frame.

Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  502811600 Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  502811600 Per Fox News: Trump Supporter Denied Service Because of Her Beliefs..  502811600
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Age : 55

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