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McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?

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McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?  Empty McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?

Post by DWags 4/22/2022, 1:18 am

Those darn audio tapes. I mean, raise your hand if you’re shocked he got caught lying.

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McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?  Empty Re: McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?

Post by kingstonlake 4/22/2022, 8:14 am

The sad thing is he would be a better choice than whatever replaces him.
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McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?  Empty Re: McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?

Post by Turtleneck 4/22/2022, 11:51 am

Fake audio. I have read on tSwill that only "leftists" lie. Everybody else is honest and virtuous.

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McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?  Empty Re: McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?

Post by GRR Spartan 4/22/2022, 8:01 pm

Of course he lied. Trump has a long history of telling people to lie to help him and has a documented history of lying when he was NY real estate owner and developer.

Now we should be shocked?
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?  Empty Re: McCarthy denied he was going to ask Trump to resign. Is anyone surprised he lied about it?

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