Spartan Swill
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Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate

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Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate Empty Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate

Post by Turtleneck 2017-07-18, 18:15

Limbaugh is scared of women.

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Join date : 2014-04-22

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Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate Empty Re: Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate

Post by msugolfguy 2017-07-18, 18:45

Turtleneck wrote:

Limbaugh is scared of women.

Lol, glory be.

Posts : 739
Join date : 2014-08-25

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Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate Empty Re: Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate

Post by GRR Spartan 2017-07-18, 19:08

Limbaug, the same war wimp who has pontificated about the importance family and marriage and evils of drugs has been married 4 times with 3 divorces and was addicted to opioids. He wanted to throw drug users in jail for life until he was one.

If you are looking for a person with a moral compass, Limbaugh ain't the guy to ask.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate Empty Re: Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate

Post by DWags 2017-07-18, 20:15

Turtleneck wrote:

Limbaugh is scared of women.

I know we joke but most of my right wing friends carry both an anger and paranoia of them.

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Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate Empty Re: Guys, leftist Republican women are running the Senate

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