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During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers

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During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers Empty During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers

Post by NigelUno 2017-07-21, 09:21

During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers

During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers 1966794946

Though the White House launched its "Made in America" initiative earlier this week to promote American jobs and products, President Donald Trump's businesses have again taken steps to hire foreign workers.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club and his golf course in Jupiter, Florida, have filed documents to bring in additional foreign workers under the H-2B visa program, which allows foreigners to fill temporary non-agriculture jobs in the United States that supposedly cannot be filled by US workers....

...The jobs, which would begin in October and end in May 2018, would pay a minimum of $10.33, $11.88 and $13.34 per hour but would be eligible for higher wages with overtime.

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During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers Empty Re: During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-07-21, 09:27

During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers 502811600
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers Empty Re: During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers

Post by NigelUno 2017-07-21, 10:52

I wonder if Goose will jump in this thread.

Probably not.

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Join date : 2014-04-16

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During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers Empty Re: During Trump's 'Made in America' week, Mar-a-Lago Club seeks more foreign workers

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