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Corporate America to its workers, “we’re just not that into you”

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Corporate America to its workers, “we’re just not that into you” Empty Corporate America to its workers, “we’re just not that into you”

Post by Turtleneck 2018-05-28, 11:46

I’m not sure how they could say this following the tax cuts.

Quick take: This was rare, candid and bracing talk from executives atop corporate America, made at a conference Thursday at the Dallas Fed. The message is that Americans should stop waiting for across-the-board pay hikes coinciding with higher corporate profit; to cash in, workers will need to shift to higher-skilled jobs that command more income.

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Corporate America to its workers, “we’re just not that into you” Empty Re: Corporate America to its workers, “we’re just not that into you”

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-05-28, 12:09

On the upside, at least the supporters of the racist, bigoted sexual predator will have more time to attend his white supremacist rallies now that they're losing their jobs.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Join date : 2014-04-15

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