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Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

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Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats Empty Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

Post by NigelUno 2017-08-10, 20:26

Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

Rolling Eyes

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Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats Empty Re: Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

Post by DWags 2017-08-10, 20:37

Does dumb ass understand what they do? Or doesn't he care. Besides uprooting 755 people and families does he realize how they help America?

Don't answer. I know the answer

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Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats Empty Re: Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

Post by tGreenWay 2017-08-10, 21:03

Has he ever said anything bad about Putin? The pee tapes are real, man.
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Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats Empty Re: Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

Post by GRR Spartan 2017-08-10, 21:32

Trump is still stinging about the Congress passing sanctions he can't rescind without their approval.
GRR Spartan
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Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats Empty Re: Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

Post by Turtleneck 2017-08-11, 13:02

Two things. First, it is not the most ideal posting in the world so our president should be a bit more grateful for the work our diplomats and others do. Second, they were not fired. They are still getting paid by the State Department so his attempt to fire back at Russia with sarcasm failed.

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Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats Empty Re: Trump thanks Putin for removing US diplomats

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