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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Bill Cain 2014-06-11, 13:57

Diversity and Immigration is always a good thing right liberals?  Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time 502811600
Bill Cain
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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Cym Jim 2014-06-11, 14:46

Some informal guidelines for solicitors in writing wills? That's terrifying dude. We should round up Muslims right now and put a stop to this.
Cym Jim
Cym Jim

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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Rocinante 2014-06-11, 15:00

Cym Jim wrote:Some informal guidelines for solicitors in writing wills? That's terrifying dude. We should round up Muslims right now and put a stop to this.

For the first and last time, I defer to your expertise instead of making a comment about your sexual orientation or your teeth.

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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Bill Cain 2014-06-11, 15:15

Cym Jim wrote:Some informal guidelines for solicitors in writing wills? That's terrifying dude. We should round up Muslims right now and put a stop to this.

Straw man argument. Nothing was ever mentioned in regards to "rounding up Muslims".

But can it not be said that when immigrants come in droves they will bring parts of their culture with them, whether it be good or bad?

This could be the start of something much bigger and it truly could be a slippery slope. Who's to say the Muslim population might not support viewpoints that are different from established British values? The impact is small right now, but what's next? Islam is the largest growing religion in the world that is growing at a faster rate than atheism. I don't see it going away anytime soon.

Isn't there also an English or European culture worth saving?
Bill Cain
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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Rocinante 2014-06-11, 15:57

Bill Cain wrote:

Straw man argument. Nothing was ever mentioned in regards to "rounding up Muslims".

But can it not be said that when immigrants come in droves they will bring parts of their culture with them, whether it be good or bad?

This could be the start of something much bigger and it truly could be a slippery slope. Who's to say the Muslim population might not support viewpoints that are different from established British values? The impact is small right now, but what's next? Islam is the largest growing religion in the world that is growing at a faster rate than atheism. I don't see it going away anytime soon.

Isn't there also an English or European culture worth saving?

And if we allow gay marriage, marriage to animals is next!

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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Bill Cain 2014-06-11, 16:15

Rocinante wrote:

And if we allow gay marriage, marriage to animals is next!

So you're comparing a modern democracy to sexual choices. Makes sense.
Bill Cain
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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Rocinante 2014-06-11, 16:18

Bill Cain wrote:

So you're comparing a modern democracy to sexual choices. Makes sense.

No, I'm comparing your stupid slippery slope argument to the stupid slippery slope argument of homophobes who want to suppress a different segment of society that you are currently advocating suppressing. Keep up Junior.

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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by MasonGuy 2014-06-16, 12:59

There is nothing slippery about this slope. All I ask is no crying when Muslims start getting arrested due to some other "Muslim only" type of ordinance getting passed. You have to learn to not be so happy when you are the one that opened the door to your own demise.

Just saying - balancing out the universe can be a special bitch. This country is going to learn that soon.

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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by Cym Jim 2014-06-17, 11:42

I see kaiserpete is hey to find the Swill. I miss those Jihad Watch days! Look - somebody in Belgium just opened a shawarma cart!
Cym Jim
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Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time Empty Re: Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Post by MasonGuy 2014-06-19, 22:17

I just practiced sharia law on a beef kabob tonight!

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