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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition Empty Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2018-01-09, 11:31

Roy Moore 2.0?

The circus is starting up again!
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition Empty Re: Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

Post by Rocinante 2018-01-09, 11:39

Hopefully not as close as Moore. If the POCs come out and vote as a block, he gets destroyed.

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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition Empty Re: Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

Post by Rocinante 2018-01-12, 13:03

Another deplorable has entered the race.

“Like our president, I’m tired of P.C. politicians and their B.S. excuses,”

Rolling Eyes

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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition Empty Re: Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

Post by Dr. Strangelove 2018-01-12, 13:07

They just might give this one away too. Sheriff Joe is an ass and would go down in flames
Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove

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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition Empty Re: Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2018-01-12, 13:09

Dr. Strangelove wrote:They just might give this one away too. Sheriff Joe is an ass and would go down in flames

You mean this isn't 12D Battleship?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition Empty Re: Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

Post by Dr. Strangelove 2018-01-12, 13:11

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
Dr. Strangelove wrote:They just might give this one away too. Sheriff Joe is an ass and would go down in flames
Nah that was when djt was playing that when he pardoned Sheriff Joe. Nobody thought that fucker was crazy enough to think he could be elected senator but him.
You mean this isn't 12D Battleship?
Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove

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Location : Dixie

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Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition Empty Re: Are Republicans trying to give up another Senate seat? Joe Arpaio edition

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