Spartan Swill
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Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school?

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Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school? Empty Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school?

Post by tGreenWay Thu 12 Apr 2018 - 15:39

The chemistry teacher left his loaded 9mm in a public bathroom, but by the time he realized it, a drunk vagrant had taken the Glock and fired a round into a wall.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school? Empty Re: Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Thu 12 Apr 2018 - 15:40

tGreenWay wrote:The chemistry teacher left his loaded 9mm in a public bathroom, but by the time he realized it, a drunk vagrant had taken the Glock and fired a round into a wall.
but I thought the more guns we had, the safer we'd be.... scratch
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school? Empty Re: Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school?

Post by tGreenWay Thu 12 Apr 2018 - 15:42

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
tGreenWay wrote:The chemistry teacher left his loaded 9mm in a public bathroom, but by the time he realized it, a drunk vagrant had taken the Glock and fired a round into a wall.
but I thought the more guns we had, the safer we'd be.....scratch

I know! And he’s probably a good guy, too!
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school? Empty Re: Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school?

Post by Watch Out Pylon! Thu 12 Apr 2018 - 15:51

We are a dumb country. Quite possibly one of the dumbest on certain issues like this.

In before MAH RIGHTS!
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school? Empty Re: Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school?

Post by DWags Thu 12 Apr 2018 - 16:22

Maybe we should just arm all the homeless drunks and let them roam around outside our schools.

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Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school? Empty Re: Remember the Majory Stoneman Douglas teacher who said he’d arm himself at school?

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