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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Robert J Sakimano
Watch Out Pylon!
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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2019-11-21, 16:54

Old guys who were around then. Take the Watergate scandal and move it to the present day. Would Nixon resign in today's hyper partisan government or would he hunker down and hope that McConnell & company votes in his favor? Discuss.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-11-21, 17:43

Not if he had the corrupt GOP and mainstream media on his side to keep him propped up.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by DWags 2019-11-21, 18:04

He resigned because good conscious republicans weighed the evidence and country vs party. If they didn’t exist, as they don’t now, he would t have resigned.

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-11-21, 18:36

Trump denies everything and is surrounded by toadies including the Attorney General who wants to destroy The Republic.

In other news today in Israel, Trump buddy Netanyahu has been indicted for bribery and fraud.

Meanwhile, in the UK, Tump buddy Boris Johnson’s Toriy party has been caught putting up at least one fake web site calling it a “Labour Manifesto” then paying Google to put it at the top of multiple pages when Labor Party (the Tory’s opposition party) is in the search bar.
GRR Spartan
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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by Rocinante 2019-11-21, 22:04

I’m trying to remember who it was but one of his advisors was pissed off when he resigned because he strongly argued that if he had just stuck it out, he’d have survived impeachment. Who knows.

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by tGreenWay 2019-11-22, 00:20

In this environment, with these Republicans, there’s no chance Nixon would’ve resigned. Party > Country.
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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-11-22, 08:06

I was in the USN when The Nixon Administration had its Saturday Night Massacre in Oct ‘73.

Nixon ordered AG Elliot Richardson to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox.  Richardson resigned rather than follow Nixon’s order.  So Nixon asked Deputy AG Ruckelshaus to fire Cox and the Deputy AG resigned too.  Nixon then went to the #3 in the DOJ, Solicitor General Robert Bork who did fire Cox.

Trump is crazier, more impetuous, more conniving and has the full support of his AG and US Senate Majority Leader.  Later this month we’ll learn if Trump has got the SCOTUS covering for him when an opinion is issued regarding the release of Trump’s taxes.

If Nixon would have had that kind of support he, like Trump would have been untouchable.
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GRR Spartan

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by DWags 2019-11-22, 08:24

GRR Spartan wrote:I was in the USN when The Nixon Administration had its Saturday Night Massacre in Oct ‘73.

Nixon ordered AG Elliot Richardson to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox.  Richardson resigned rather than follow Nixon’s order.  So Nixon asked Deputy AG Ruckelshaus to fire Cox and the Deputy AG resigned too.  Nixon then went to the #3 in the DOJ, Solicitor General Robert Bork who did fire Cox.

Trump is crazier, more impetuous, more conniving and has the full support of his AG and US Senate Majority Leader.  Later this month we’ll learn if Trump has got the SCOTUS covering for him when an opinion is issued regarding the release of Trump’s taxes.

If Nixon would have had that kind of support he, like Trump would have been untouchable.

Pretty scary where we're teetering on. Seriously with gerrymandering issues popping up, with the republican party not really the republican party anymore, with the tea party morphing into this monolithic party of whatever they are, if they control state houses, if Mitch gets all these federal judges placed (he has done so with many) with the SCOTUS already, in my belief tainted with ideologues and not constitutional lawyers, and yes, I'll say it, with a big portion of white america, uneducated as to the disasters that are about to happen, solidly behind them all, we could really be a fucked up country.

I would kill to see the history books 100 years from now. Is this a turning point in the American Story? Or, is this just a four year cycle of hate, bigotry, greed and ignorance of the masses that is allowing so many far right ideologues into power, not knowing what is fully coming because of it.

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-11-22, 08:52

DWags wrote:
GRR Spartan wrote:I was in the USN when The Nixon Administration had its Saturday Night Massacre in Oct ‘73.

Nixon ordered AG Elliot Richardson to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox.  Richardson resigned rather than follow Nixon’s order.  So Nixon asked Deputy AG Ruckelshaus to fire Cox and the Deputy AG resigned too.  Nixon then went to the #3 in the DOJ, Solicitor General Robert Bork who did fire Cox.

Trump is crazier, more impetuous, more conniving and has the full support of his AG and US Senate Majority Leader.  Later this month we’ll learn if Trump has got the SCOTUS covering for him when an opinion is issued regarding the release of Trump’s taxes.

If Nixon would have had that kind of support he, like Trump would have been untouchable.

Pretty scary where we're teetering on. Seriously with gerrymandering issues popping up, with the republican party not really the republican party anymore, with the tea party morphing into this monolithic party of whatever they are, if they control state houses, if Mitch gets all these federal judges placed (he has done so with many) with the SCOTUS already, in my belief tainted with ideologues and not constitutional lawyers, and yes, I'll say it, with a big portion of white america, uneducated as to the disasters that are about to happen, solidly behind them all, we could really be a fucked up country.

I would kill to see the history books 100 years from now. Is this a turning point in the American Story? Or, is this just a four year cycle of hate, bigotry, greed and ignorance of the masses that is allowing so many far right ideologues into power, not knowing what is fully coming because of it.
it's hard to predict.. I can tell you this with 100% certainty (in my opinion): if the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator wins in 2020 (provided that he's still alive), America is over.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-11-22, 11:17

I’m waiting to see how the Pentagon reacts to Trump reinstating the USN Chief to the Seals after he pardoned him for war crimes.

The USN couldnstation him in Bumfuck Alaska or Guantanamo Bay and force his retirement.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate? Empty Re: Question: Would Nixon resign in today's political climate?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-11-22, 12:29

GRR Spartan wrote:I’m waiting to see how the Pentagon reacts to Trump reinstating the USN Chief to the Seals after he pardoned him for war crimes.

The USN couldnstation him in Bumfuck Alaska or Guantanamo Bay and force his retirement.
the racist, bigoted christian sexual pardons warm criminals the same week he attacks a decorated American war hero.

just in case anyone needs to know whose side he's on.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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