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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by steveschneider 2019-12-10, 07:17

Watched half of it last night and found it fascinating.

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by DWags 2019-12-10, 10:03

If she would have done that in the summer of 2016, it might be President Clinton

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by steveschneider 2019-12-10, 10:46

DWags wrote:If she would have done that in the summer of 2016, it might be President Clinton

Couldn't agree more. First time I listened to her and I was like hey I think I get this person. Also, Howard Stern is such a talented interviewer. It's a very worthwhile conversation to listen to.

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-12-10, 11:01

steveschneider wrote:
DWags wrote:If she would have done that in the summer of 2016, it might be President Clinton

Couldn't agree more. First time I listened to her and I was like hey I think I get this person. Also, Howard Stern is such a talented interviewer. It's a very worthwhile conversation to listen to.

If you click the link from the YouTube page there are five installments of like 30 minutes each. That's a long interview lol.
Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by steveschneider 2019-12-10, 11:06

Floyd Robertson wrote:
steveschneider wrote:

Couldn't agree more. First time I listened to her and I was like hey I think I get this person. Also, Howard Stern is such a talented interviewer. It's a very worthwhile conversation to listen to.

If you click the link from the YouTube page there are five installments of like 30 minutes each. That's a long interview lol.

Yeah, I made it through two of them. Definitely going to finish it today. It's a good interview. She's a brilliant person and a work a holic. I think it's hard to relate to a person like that when you see them outside of their comfort zone trying to be fun / relatable in our 24/7 news cycle.

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by DWags 2019-12-10, 11:09

steveschneider wrote:
Floyd Robertson wrote:

If you click the link from the YouTube page there are five installments of like 30 minutes each. That's a long interview lol.

Yeah, I made it through two of them. Definitely going to finish it today. It's a good interview. She's a brilliant person and a work a holic. I think it's hard to relate to a person like that when you see them outside of their comfort zone trying to be fun / relatable in our 24/7 news cycle.

Asked her if she ever had a lesbian experience. She was cool about.

Said she did but didn’t inhale. (Joke).

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-12-10, 11:10

imagine having someone with intellect, humor, empathy, a deep love and respect of our country in the White House.

America is a stupid country.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by steveschneider 2019-12-10, 11:29

Robert J Sakimano wrote:imagine having someone with intellect, humor, empathy, a deep love and respect of our country in the White House.

America is a stupid country.

I felt like I got smarter listening to the interview. Her historical knowledge is incredible.

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-12-10, 12:38

steveschneider wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:imagine having someone with intellect, humor, empathy, a deep love and respect of our country in the White House.

America is a stupid country.

I felt like I got smarter listening to the interview. Her historical knowledge is incredible.
indeed... she's absolutely brilliant.

and we don't deserve her.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by steveschneider 2019-12-10, 13:24

Finished it. I felt like that was a very worthwhile listen. Even if you don’t like her just hearing her talk about American history and some of her work history was pretty fascinating.

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-12-11, 07:10

I'm not a regular Stern watcher, does he always hide behind the microphone? That's an annoyingly weird camera angle setup.
Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by steveschneider 2019-12-12, 17:59

Floyd Robertson wrote:I'm not a regular Stern watcher, does he always hide behind the microphone? That's an annoyingly weird camera angle setup.

I saw him on Bill Maher and he gave insight into how he works. he said he doesn’t want an audience or any distractions he just wants to be into the guest and the conversation. It’s all about focus for him. I think that’s why he had those high monitors around his desk and is kind of hidden probably so he won’t notice the camera crew while he’s talking. He shifts around s lot too so he’s moving the mic all the time. That’s my guess.

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Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern Empty Re: Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-12-12, 19:31

steveschneider wrote:
Floyd Robertson wrote:I'm not a regular Stern watcher, does he always hide behind the microphone? That's an annoyingly weird camera angle setup.

I saw him on Bill Maher and he gave insight into how he works. he said he doesn’t want an audience or any distractions he just wants to be into the guest and the conversation. It’s all about focus for him. I think that’s why he had those high monitors around his desk and is kind of hidden probably so he won’t notice the camera crew while he’s talking. He shifts around s lot too so he’s moving the mic all the time. That’s my guess.

Gotcha. Hillary Clinton on Howard Stern 55953254
Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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