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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Heat Miser
MSU addict
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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by DWags 2021-09-03, 16:52

Why am I sending 50 bucks a month to SRC?   Mize well just listen to blaha for info

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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by MSU addict 2021-09-03, 16:53

I though you were the person with all of the connections.

50 Bucks!

That is half off the $100/mo he charges me.
MSU addict
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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by Heat Miser 2021-09-03, 17:00

I'm authorized to give you both next month free.
Heat Miser
Heat Miser
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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by steveschneider 2021-09-03, 17:05

Russo is it.

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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by kingstonlake 2021-09-03, 17:30

My sources say it's the kid who throws with his right hand.
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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by aualum06 2021-09-03, 17:52

Russo or Thorne that's the word

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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by Nordic 2021-09-03, 18:27


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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by Turtleneck 2021-09-03, 18:33

Nordic wrote:Throne

Kevlar Trollbot.

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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by Nordic 2021-09-03, 19:10

Turtleneck wrote:
Nordic wrote:Throne

Kevlar Trollbot.

 Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? 1f43b

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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by tGreenWay 2021-09-03, 20:30

You never asked. Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? 2599972566
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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

Post by GRR Spartan 2021-09-03, 20:46

CMT was reported shaking hands with Thorne after warmups began.

Speculation is it was congratulatory as opposed to a you finished 2nd talk.
GRR Spartan
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Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time? Empty Re: Not one of you weasels with connections and people who know people can tell us the QB this close to game time?

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