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"Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments"

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"Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments" Empty "Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments"

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2014-11-05, 20:09

Yeah, I'm referring to 24/7. No more inferiority complex, bros. We all Spartans.

T Jones says about Barrett and Miller...

“A little bit similar.  I feel like with this offense that Barrett works better in this offense.  I feel like he has a better arm, he's a way better quarterback than Braxton, but I feel like it's a big challenge for us and we're actually looking forward to it and working this week in order for us to be successful against this offense.”

Jones was later asked to expand on his comments and asked if he was saying Barrett is simply a better passer.

“As an athlete I feel like Miller was better, but to fit in that offense, Urban Meyer, he fits well. Like Tebow in that Florida offense with Urban Meyer. (I) feel like Barrett fits in that offense better and he can control the game better.  We need to not let them control the game, but let us control the game.”

Braxton on tTwitter...
"Never heard of the kid  #34....4 yrs unnoticed."

"Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments" 3493939353 Let's get it on
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Join date : 2014-04-18

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"Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments" Empty Re: "Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments"

Post by CORNER BLITZ 2014-11-05, 20:39


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"Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments" Empty Re: "Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments"

Post by NigelUno 2014-11-05, 21:21

"Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments" B1tRMaBCUAArVNj

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"Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments" Empty Re: "Shots Fired - Miller Responds To Taiwan Jones' Comments"

Post by Ass Dan 2014-11-05, 23:18

Braxton has won exactly shit at OSU. No bowl games, no championships, not even beaten a ranked team.

Shut the fuck up when grown folks are talking
Ass Dan
Ass Dan

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