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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

The Pantry
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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump Empty British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

Post by The Pantry 2015-03-18, 18:20

A British Airways flight was forced to turn around because of a "smelly poo".

The plane was heading from Heathrow to Dubai on Thursday - a seven-hour flight.

Abhishek Sachdev, who was on board tweeted: "Insane. Our BA flight to Dubai returned back to Heathrow because of a smelly poo in the toilet."

He told a newspaper: "The pilot made an announcement requesting senior cabin crew, and we knew something was a bit odd.

"About 10 minutes later he said 'you may have noticed there's a quite pungent smell coming from one of the toilets'.

"He said it was liquid fecal excrement. Those are the words he used."

The plane had been airborne for just 30 minutes when it turned round.

Cym Jim...? Pulling...?
The Pantry
The Pantry

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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump Empty Re: British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

Post by Turtleneck 2015-03-18, 18:25

Somebody had too much fish and chips.

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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump Empty Re: British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

Post by steveschneider 2015-03-18, 19:02

Pretty consideret of B.A. to land instead of force customers to smell that for the duration of the flight.

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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump Empty Re: British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

Post by Cym Jim 2015-03-18, 19:10

Cym Jim
Cym Jim

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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump Empty Re: British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

Post by Ass Dan 2015-03-18, 19:45

New form of Bioterrorism. Time to bomb Iraq again
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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump Empty Re: British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

Post by Snake Plissken 2015-03-18, 21:24

My bad
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British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump Empty Re: British Airways 747 returns to Heathrow because of nasty dump

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