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McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers

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McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers Empty McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers

Post by Marc Summers 2015-04-03, 12:10,38365/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=Pic:1:Default

This is hilarious.
Marc Summers
Marc Summers
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McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers Empty Re: McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers

Post by Rocinante 2015-04-03, 12:36

Will they offer you health care too?

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McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers Empty Re: McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers

Post by Snake Plissken 2015-04-03, 12:36

Is that where you got your 4 interviews from?
Snake Plissken
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McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers Empty Re: McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers

Post by Marc Summers 2015-04-03, 13:29

Snake Plissken wrote:Is that where you got your 4 interviews from?

No, but I actually should finally hear back from them today or Monday.
Marc Summers
Marc Summers
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McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers Empty Re: McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers

Post by kingstonlake 2015-04-03, 13:58

90% of their stores are not raising wages. Its corporate owned restaurants only.
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McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers Empty Re: McDonalds raising wages 10% to attract better workers

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