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Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Other Teams Pursuing That
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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 9:53

Or is it just manufacturing? Been eroding since 1975 and would make sense because the same idiots are running the show or the baby boomers

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by InTenSity Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:00

Blanch32 wrote:Or is it just manufacturing? Been eroding since 1975 and would make sense because the same idiots are running the show or the baby boomers
Its all of corporate america. It isn't about the business, its about the bonus and the stock price. Where I work, with markets moving on a weekly and sometimes daily basis, I've pretty much been told that I can't make any mistakes and I need to make every buy under the market, otherwise I'm not bringing in any value to the company. Nevermind that just getting product at times is extremely difficult, and none of our sales guys are able to get sale prices higher. I'm the lowest paid, and have unreasonable expectations.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by By-Tor Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:41

I will do everything I can in my power to prevent my kids from going into a corporate environment. It is soul crushing.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Giant Moose Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:44

Pretty much.
Giant Moose
Giant Moose

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by NigelUno Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:47

InTenSity wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:Or is it just manufacturing? Been eroding since 1975 and would make sense because the same idiots are running the show or the baby boomers
Its all of corporate america. It isn't about the business, its about the bonus and the stock price. Where I work, with markets moving on a weekly and sometimes daily basis, I've pretty much been told that I can't make any mistakes and I need to make every buy under the market, otherwise I'm not bringing in any value to the company. Nevermind that just getting product at times is extremely difficult, and none of our sales guys are able to get sale prices higher. I'm the lowest paid, and have unreasonable expectations.

Many companies rely on the fear factor for "motivation".

What is the deal with canned pumpkin stuff for bread and pies? Is there a shortage?

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:48

By-Tor wrote:I will do everything I can in my power to prevent my kids from going into a corporate environment.  It is soul crushing.  
You guys ever work for smaller companies? Just curious.

My work life went from soul crushing to actually interesting to just about the opposite of soul crushing. Maybe it's my industry. Not sure. None of the typical office norms have been a factor at 3 of the last 4 jobs I've been at, and the 4th was an exception that operated outside of my industry but was trying to find a niche within it.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:49

Want to avoid at all costs.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by kingstonlake Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:50

Every day I watch one of those Alaskan frontier shows I get envious.
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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by DWags Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:52

By-Tor wrote:I will do everything I can in my power to prevent my kids from going into a corporate environment.  It is soul crushing.  

do everything in your power to give your kids the ability to make decisions on their own.  I'm not an expert, but Id' say not being able to make a decision for yourself is probably just like the corporations that crushed your soul.   I get that.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by By-Tor Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 10:59

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:
By-Tor wrote:I will do everything I can in my power to prevent my kids from going into a corporate environment.  It is soul crushing.  
You guys ever work for smaller companies? Just curious.

My work life went from soul crushing to actually interesting to just about the opposite of soul crushing. Maybe it's my industry. Not sure. None of the typical office norms have been a factor at 3 of the last 4 jobs I've been at, and the 4th was an exception that operated outside of my industry but was trying to find a niche within it.
ya. Long time ago I worked for a smaller family type operation. Was in contact with the owner, ceo, cfo, on a daily basis. Was shouting distance to all of them and even the min wage peons had open access to the office. Learned a lot there. I got outta big corp about 5 years ago and never again.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Code_Warrior Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 12:35

I guess it depends on your temperament, the industry, and the kind of job you have. I work at a large auto corporation. I like my job, but it's like anything else, you have to find your niche and get the most out of it. I found my niche. The corporate environment can be a pain, but so can self employment. The way I see it, if you enjoy your job, it doesn't seem like work, if you don't, it will be soul crushing.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Toe Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 12:40

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Want to avoid at all costs.

you shouldn't worry.....

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by steveschneider Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 12:51

I work for a smaller company that was booming for a bit. It's become a complete cluster fuck and morale has tanked straight across the board.

I really think it comes down to CEO leadership that defines how good a company is to work for. Last big company I worked at had an amazing CEO and shit just ran so well in the company. Current company is chaos and it creates so many frustrating situations.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 12:52

Toe wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Want to avoid at all costs.

you shouldn't worry.....

Works for me  cheers
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by NigelUno Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 12:55

kingstonlake wrote:Every day I watch one of those Alaskan frontier shows I get envious.

Those shows are fake.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by steveschneider Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 13:00

My advice is take whatever job that feels 'easy' to you. Don't go into a job looking for a challenge. I like my work over all because it takes me the minimal effort and isn't that taxing to me.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Jaheab Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 13:48

steveschneider wrote:I work for a smaller company that was booming for a bit. It's become a complete cluster fuck and morale has tanked straight across the board.

I really think it comes down to CEO leadership that defines how good a company is to work for. Last big company I worked at had an amazing CEO and shit just ran so well in the company. Current company is chaos and it creates so many frustrating situations.

I know the feeling. The last company I worked for was a cluster fuck. The competition was eating our lunch because (despite being small and supposedly nimble) we couldn't do anything quickly and were stuck in the 1980s. They were still spitballing the same tired ideas they were when I started as an entry level employee three years ago. They are a sales company that does 90% of their revenue B2B with 10% to home consumers via ecommerce. The sales force for each department was the same size. B2B did still did all their business via phone and fax. They had been in the "planning stages" of building a B2B site since my first meeting their in 2012. Their idea of marketing was putting a new saleperson on cold-calls and sending out a weekly email.

I accepted a promotion last fall. Ten months later I sit down for my 6 month review (because that is how they roll). Glowing evaluation, 'really appreciate your input, I know we've thrown a lot more at you than you signed up for, blah, blah, blah. Please fill out this questionnaire about your goals, management, ect.'

I answer the questions honestly, point out some of the company's shortcomings, say I don't think the management changeover has gone as smoothly as we would have liked (the Pres/CEO retired just after I took the promotion).

I say that moral is pretty low and offer a few ideas to improve and at the end ask for a raise because of my glowing review (and the fact that we had our best quarter since i got there).  I bring that back to them the next week thinking I was tough but fair and made it clear that I was interested helping grow the company and growing my role in it.

I was called into the office of two women running the company (and the six figure consultant the board hired to teach them how to do their new job) the next day and fired on the spot. They saw me as a "malcontent" and they "needed people that were all in." I was shocked. I had never been fired before. I was pissed initially but after talking with my former coworkers recently I figured it was better to get when I did. Moral is only sinking farther. They shitcanned my direct report a month after me for basically the same reasons. Her replacement quit after two weeks on the job.

Now instead of gearing up for Christmas which is their bread and butter the staff that's left is bouncing from job to job trying to fill the gaps and play catch up. Everyone seems to think the place will be closed in a year or two. I've got to admit that I am enjoying the horror stories I keep hearing.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. Rant over.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 14:34

InTenSity wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:Or is it just manufacturing? Been eroding since 1975 and would make sense because the same idiots are running the show or the baby boomers
Its all of corporate america. It isn't about the business, its about the bonus and the stock price. Where I work, with markets moving on a weekly and sometimes daily basis, I've pretty much been told that I can't make any mistakes and I need to make every buy under the market, otherwise I'm not bringing in any value to the company. Nevermind that just getting product at times is extremely difficult, and none of our sales guys are able to get sale prices higher. I'm the lowest paid, and have unreasonable expectations.

Work in supply chain too? Lol

Oh and make sure we don't have to pay for the product until next may at discount

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 14:37

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:
By-Tor wrote:I will do everything I can in my power to prevent my kids from going into a corporate environment.  It is soul crushing.  
You guys ever work for smaller companies? Just curious.

My work life went from soul crushing to actually interesting to just about the opposite of soul crushing. Maybe it's my industry. Not sure. None of the typical office norms have been a factor at 3 of the last 4 jobs I've been at, and the 4th was an exception that operated outside of my industry but was trying to find a niche within it.

My current company longs for 1985. Did private equity bf that. Holy shit was that eye opening into the worst of mankind. Complete boileroom lord of the flies. Bob would be John candy in planes and trains by lunch time

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 14:38

DWags wrote:
By-Tor wrote:I will do everything I can in my power to prevent my kids from going into a corporate environment.  It is soul crushing.  

do everything in your power to give your kids the ability to make decisions on their own.  I'm not an expert, but Id' say not being able to make a decision for yourself is probably just like the corporations that crushed your soul.   I get that.

So you and that other poster cool with your kids moving back home to "discover themselves?" I know my parents were not and good for them. They earned it

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 14:40

NigelUno wrote:
InTenSity wrote:
Its all of corporate america. It isn't about the business, its about the bonus and the stock price. Where I work, with markets moving on a weekly and sometimes daily basis, I've pretty much been told that I can't make any mistakes and I need to make every buy under the market, otherwise I'm not bringing in any value to the company. Nevermind that just getting product at times is extremely difficult, and none of our sales guys are able to get sale prices higher. I'm the lowest paid, and have unreasonable expectations.

Many companies rely on the fear factor for "motivation".

What is the deal with canned pumpkin stuff for bread and pies? Is there a shortage?

Right now I'm actively job searching but my honest goal is to get caught in the next layoff. Too bad I make them more money than my peers

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 14:41

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Want to avoid at all costs.

You don't take pleasure under mining people, playing politics, sucking up to ego manic assholed, and firing people and ruining families?

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Watch Out Pylon! Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 14:54

Blanch32 wrote:
WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:
You guys ever work for smaller companies? Just curious.

My work life went from soul crushing to actually interesting to just about the opposite of soul crushing. Maybe it's my industry. Not sure. None of the typical office norms have been a factor at 3 of the last 4 jobs I've been at, and the 4th was an exception that operated outside of my industry but was trying to find a niche within it.

My current company longs for 1985.  Did private equity bf that.  Holy shit was that eye opening into the worst of mankind.  Complete boileroom lord of the flies.  Bob would be John candy in planes and trains by lunch time

Is all of corporate America incompetent? Wut
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by AMwood Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 15:12

Jaheab wrote:
steveschneider wrote:I work for a smaller company that was booming for a bit. It's become a complete cluster fuck and morale has tanked straight across the board.

I really think it comes down to CEO leadership that defines how good a company is to work for. Last big company I worked at had an amazing CEO and shit just ran so well in the company. Current company is chaos and it creates so many frustrating situations.

I know the feeling. The last company I worked for was a cluster fuck. The competition was eating our lunch because (despite being small and supposedly nimble) we couldn't do anything quickly and were stuck in the 1980s. They were still spitballing the same tired ideas they were when I started as an entry level employee three years ago. They are a sales company that does 90% of their revenue B2B with 10% to home consumers via ecommerce. The sales force for each department was the same size. B2B did still did all their business via phone and fax. They had been in the "planning stages" of building a B2B site since my first meeting their in 2012. Their idea of marketing was putting a new saleperson on cold-calls and sending out a weekly email.

I accepted a promotion last fall. Ten months later I sit down for my 6 month review (because that is how they roll). Glowing evaluation, 'really appreciate your input, I know we've thrown a lot more at you than you signed up for, blah, blah, blah. Please fill out this questionnaire about your goals, management, ect.'

I answer the questions honestly, point out some of the company's shortcomings, say I don't think the management changeover has gone as smoothly as we would have liked (the Pres/CEO retired just after I took the promotion).

I say that moral is pretty low and offer a few ideas to improve and at the end ask for a raise because of my glowing review (and the fact that we had our best quarter since i got there).  I bring that back to them the next week thinking I was tough but fair and made it clear that I was interested helping grow the company and growing my role in it.

I was called into the office of two women running the company (and the six figure consultant the board hired to teach them how to do their new job) the next day and fired on the spot. They saw me as a "malcontent" and they "needed people that were all in." I was shocked. I had never been fired before. I was pissed initially but after talking with my former coworkers recently I figured it was better to get when I did. Moral is only sinking farther. They shitcanned my direct report a month after me for basically the same reasons. Her replacement quit after two weeks on the job.

Now instead of gearing up for Christmas which is their bread and butter the staff that's left is bouncing from job to job trying to fill the gaps and play catch up. Everyone seems to think the place will be closed in a year or two. I've got to admit that I am enjoying the horror stories I keep hearing.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. Rant over.

you just saw jerry mcguire, didn't you?

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 15:18

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:

My current company longs for 1985.  Did private equity bf that.  Holy shit was that eye opening into the worst of mankind.  Complete boileroom lord of the flies.  Bob would be John candy in planes and trains by lunch time

Is all of corporate America incompetent? Wut

Is all of corporate America incompetent? 502811600
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by steveschneider Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 15:18

Jaheab wrote:
steveschneider wrote:I work for a smaller company that was booming for a bit. It's become a complete cluster fuck and morale has tanked straight across the board.

I really think it comes down to CEO leadership that defines how good a company is to work for. Last big company I worked at had an amazing CEO and shit just ran so well in the company. Current company is chaos and it creates so many frustrating situations.

I know the feeling. The last company I worked for was a cluster fuck. The competition was eating our lunch because (despite being small and supposedly nimble) we couldn't do anything quickly and were stuck in the 1980s. They were still spitballing the same tired ideas they were when I started as an entry level employee three years ago. They are a sales company that does 90% of their revenue B2B with 10% to home consumers via ecommerce. The sales force for each department was the same size. B2B did still did all their business via phone and fax. They had been in the "planning stages" of building a B2B site since my first meeting their in 2012. Their idea of marketing was putting a new saleperson on cold-calls and sending out a weekly email.

I accepted a promotion last fall. Ten months later I sit down for my 6 month review (because that is how they roll). Glowing evaluation, 'really appreciate your input, I know we've thrown a lot more at you than you signed up for, blah, blah, blah. Please fill out this questionnaire about your goals, management, ect.'

I answer the questions honestly, point out some of the company's shortcomings, say I don't think the management changeover has gone as smoothly as we would have liked (the Pres/CEO retired just after I took the promotion).

I say that moral is pretty low and offer a few ideas to improve and at the end ask for a raise because of my glowing review (and the fact that we had our best quarter since i got there).  I bring that back to them the next week thinking I was tough but fair and made it clear that I was interested helping grow the company and growing my role in it.

I was called into the office of two women running the company (and the six figure consultant the board hired to teach them how to do their new job) the next day and fired on the spot. They saw me as a "malcontent" and they "needed people that were all in." I was shocked. I had never been fired before. I was pissed initially but after talking with my former coworkers recently I figured it was better to get when I did. Moral is only sinking farther. They shitcanned my direct report a month after me for basically the same reasons. Her replacement quit after two weeks on the job.

Now instead of gearing up for Christmas which is their bread and butter the staff that's left is bouncing from job to job trying to fill the gaps and play catch up. Everyone seems to think the place will be closed in a year or two. I've got to admit that I am enjoying the horror stories I keep hearing.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. Rant over.

Yeah, at my place you have to act like you are 100% on board and that everything is awesome. It's so funny you see the owners talk about how great everything is, you look over across the room and some one will smirk and you know that everyone sees right through the bull shit.

If I did what you did even with the best intentions like you had, I'd definitely be let go. I think the owners just want to sell the place and don't give a fuck about the future of the company.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by I.B. Fine Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 15:30

Blanch32 wrote:Or is it just manufacturing? Been eroding since 1975 and would make sense because the same idiots are running the show or the baby boomers

They hired you, didn't they? Case closed.
I.B. Fine
I.B. Fine

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 16:01

steveschneider wrote:
Jaheab wrote:

I know the feeling. The last company I worked for was a cluster fuck. The competition was eating our lunch because (despite being small and supposedly nimble) we couldn't do anything quickly and were stuck in the 1980s. They were still spitballing the same tired ideas they were when I started as an entry level employee three years ago. They are a sales company that does 90% of their revenue B2B with 10% to home consumers via ecommerce. The sales force for each department was the same size. B2B did still did all their business via phone and fax. They had been in the "planning stages" of building a B2B site since my first meeting their in 2012. Their idea of marketing was putting a new saleperson on cold-calls and sending out a weekly email.

I accepted a promotion last fall. Ten months later I sit down for my 6 month review (because that is how they roll). Glowing evaluation, 'really appreciate your input, I know we've thrown a lot more at you than you signed up for, blah, blah, blah. Please fill out this questionnaire about your goals, management, ect.'

I answer the questions honestly, point out some of the company's shortcomings, say I don't think the management changeover has gone as smoothly as we would have liked (the Pres/CEO retired just after I took the promotion).

I say that moral is pretty low and offer a few ideas to improve and at the end ask for a raise because of my glowing review (and the fact that we had our best quarter since i got there).  I bring that back to them the next week thinking I was tough but fair and made it clear that I was interested helping grow the company and growing my role in it.

I was called into the office of two women running the company (and the six figure consultant the board hired to teach them how to do their new job) the next day and fired on the spot. They saw me as a "malcontent" and they "needed people that were all in." I was shocked. I had never been fired before. I was pissed initially but after talking with my former coworkers recently I figured it was better to get when I did. Moral is only sinking farther. They shitcanned my direct report a month after me for basically the same reasons. Her replacement quit after two weeks on the job.

Now instead of gearing up for Christmas which is their bread and butter the staff that's left is bouncing from job to job trying to fill the gaps and play catch up. Everyone seems to think the place will be closed in a year or two. I've got to admit that I am enjoying the horror stories I keep hearing.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. Rant over.

Yeah, at my place you have to act like you are 100% on board and that everything is awesome. It's so funny you see the owners talk about how great everything is, you look over across the room and some one will smirk and you know that everyone sees right through the bull shit.

If I did what you did even with the best intentions like you had, I'd definitely be let go. I think the owners just want to sell the place and don't give a fuck about the future of the company.

Sunshine blowars make the perfect middle managers

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by Blanch32 Fri 9 Oct 2015 - 16:02

I.B. Fine wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:Or is it just manufacturing? Been eroding since 1975 and would make sense because the same idiots are running the show or the baby boomers

They hired you, didn't they? Case closed.

Believe it or not I'm on top of my profession for my weight class.

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by InTenSity Sat 10 Oct 2015 - 0:43

Moving Forward

Fri 10/9/2015 4:37 PM

Sent on behalf of

The past few weeks have been difficult for the entire team, both at our various locations and at the corporate offices. We want to thank you for the high degree of professionalism everyone has shown during this difficult period and your dedication which allowed us to continue to operate without a glitch. The headcount reduction is completed.  We do understand that during this process employees wonder what the rationale behind the recent changes was and have concerns about their own job security, so we wanted to try to answer some of these questions.

While the company has been successful during the past few years, the competitive and market landscape has been changing rapidly making a realignment of our resources necessary to face future challenges. Our lower cost structure will allow us to better weather the volatility of the produce markets while at the same time continue to expand in other product categories and market channels. We intend to continue to capitalize on the growing consumer trends for healthier products, our nationwide network of operation, the strength of our brand and above all the best team of professionals in the industry.

Our ambitious growth plans cannot be achieved without everyone’s commitment and support. We do recognize that in the short term we will face challenges adjusting to the added workload and we are working to address these issues in the most efficient manner possible. At the same time, we believe that with your relentless focus on cost, operating efficiency and growing our business will continue to succeed in the marketplace. We fully expect that this success can lead to professional growth opportunities in our North American team.  

We will be discussing our NA strategic plan for success with the Chairman and the President at our annual plan meeting in a few weeks.  After that, we will communicate key components of the 2016 Plan to better position us for continued progress in insuring and building the most successful global company in our segment.

Once again, we want thank you for all your hard work, dedication and commitment to

Last edited by InTenSity on Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 9:43; edited 1 time in total

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Is all of corporate America incompetent? Empty Re: Is all of corporate America incompetent?

Post by kingstonlake Sat 10 Oct 2015 - 6:59

My will will not be denied
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